Stars At Dusk: A Sassy Sublime Romance (The Sable Riders Book 2) by Sky Gold

Stars At Dusk: A Sassy Sublime Romance (The Sable Riders Book 2) by Sky Gold

Author:Sky Gold [Gold, Sky]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Eden Publishing
Published: 2023-03-31T23:00:00+00:00


Below The Osirian’s neon holo sign was a security panel ensconced in the thick wall. Harlow stared at it for a long moment, then, on a whim, swiped her wrist comm over it.

She stepped back in surprise when the heavy wide wooden door swung open.

She nervously walked into a sumptuous dining and bar area. Heady with the scent of cigars, delicious food and the rich malty aroma of brew and aged liquor. She spotted a high reception desk lit with low, warm sconces.

A powerful-looking hulk appeared behind the desk, gazing down at her. He coolly assessed her with his deep black eyes, then looked down at the comm tab in his hand.

‘Miss Harlow Meridian?’ he asked in an impossibly deep voice.

‘Yes,’ she confirmed, taking a deep breath to hide her nervousness.

‘Welcome to The Osirian. It seems you have unrestricted access to the club and an open tab at the bar payable to The Sable Group.’

‘I do?’ Harlow ventured with astonishment.

‘Indeed. Cleared by Kage Sable himself.’

Harlow shook her head. ‘Of course,’ she muttered under her breath, secretly pleased.

‘Please go on right ahead,’ the Iccythrian bouncer said with a slight bow.

‘This way, if you will,’ a second voice chimed in.

Harlow turned to see an incredibly gorgeous dark-haired Falasian hostess dressed in a diamond and figure-hugging black gown beckoning at her.

Harlow followed eagerly; her energy amped once more.

‘My name is Silani. I’ll be your hostess this evening,’ the woman said. ‘You’re a guest of Kage Sable?’ the woman continued, swinging her way gracefully through past padded velvet booths and banquette complete with adjustable lighting and plush upholstered seating, deep, cosy and private enough to encourage patrons to linger all night. Her feet moved gracefully, almost dancing across the luxury parquet and tessellated tiles.

‘It would seem so,’ Harlow confirmed.

‘Any guest of Kage Sable is always welcome here.’ Silani smiled, but Harlow noticed the expression didn’t quite hit her stunning black kohl-lined eyes. She’d also emphasised Kage’s name. Harlow sensed history. But not one that had ended well for the woman.

‘How do you know Kage?’ the dark-haired woman went on.

Surprised by the personal probe, Harlow blinked. ‘I work for him.’

‘I see. He’s such a good boss, isn’t he? And even more when he chooses.’

Harlow’s eyes widened at the apparent claim of a current intimacy between this woman and Kage. That didn’t quite gel with the man she thought she knew.

Nonetheless, she wanted to turn round and walk away, but the sprawling bar beckoned to her. Her eyes widened at the sight of the onyx and rare mineral bench top and a mirrored splash back, overflowing with every bottle of delicious sin from Ccyth and back again.

Silani led her to a plush, high-backed bar stool at the bar and summoned the bald bartender.

He sidled over to her with a big smile, cleaning a crystal glass in his hands. ‘What can I get the lovely lady?’

‘I’ve no idea,’ Harlow said. ‘What does Eden II offer in the way of cocktails?’

‘We’ve a wide selection of ingredients and liqueurs from all over the System.


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