Gabaldon, Diana - Outlander 03 by Gabaldon Diana

Gabaldon, Diana - Outlander 03 by Gabaldon Diana

Author:Gabaldon, Diana
Language: eng
Format: epub

in the saddle, ignoring the weather with the stoic nonchalance of a trueborn Scot.

Very well, Given that Jamie likely hadn't shot himself, was he shot at all? He might have made up the story, and sent his nephew to tell it. On consideration, though, I thought it highly unlikely that Young Ian Could have delivered the news so convincingly, were it false.

I shrugged, the movement sending a cold rivulet down inside the front of iny cloak, and set myself to wait with what patience I could for the journey to be ended. Years in the practice of medicine had taught me not to anticipate; the reality of each case was bound to be unique, and so must be my response to it. My emotions, however, were much harder to control than my professional reactions.

Each time I had left Lallybroch, I had thought I would never return. Now here I was, going back once more. Twice now, I had left Jamie, knowing with certainty that I would never see him again. And yet here I was, going back to him like a bloody homing pigeon to its loft.

"I'll tell you one thing, Jamie Fraser," I muttered under my breath. "If you aren't at death's door when I get there, you'll live to regret it!"


Practical and Applied Witchcraft

t was several hours past dark when we arrived at last, soaked to the skin. The house was silent, and dark, save for two dimly lighted windows downstairs in the parlor. There was a single warning bark from one of

the dogs, but Young Ian shushed the animal, and after a quick, curious nosing at my stirrup, the black-and-white shape faded back into the darkness of the dooryard.

The warning had been enough to alert someone; as Young Ian led me into the hall, the door to the parlor opened. Jenny poked her head out, her face drawn with worry.

At the sight of Young Ian, she popped out into the hallway, her expression transformed to one of joyous relief, at once superseded by the righteous anger of a mother confronted by an errant offspring.

"Ian, ye wee wretch!" she said. "Where have ye been all this time? Your Da and I ha' been worrit sick for ye!" She paused long enough to look him over anxiously. "You're all right?"

At his nod, her lips grew tight again. "Aye, well. You're for it now, laddic, I'll tell ye! And just where the devil have ye been, anyway?"

Gangling, knob-jointed, and dripping wet, Young Ian looked like nothing so much as a drowned scarecrow, but he was still large enough to block me from his mother's view. He didn't answer Jenny's scolding, but shrugged awkwardly and stepped aside, exposing me to his mother's startled gaze.

If my resurrection from the dead had disconcerted her, this second reappearance stunned her. Her deep blue eyes, normally as slanted as her brother's, opened so wide, they looked

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round. She stared at me for a long moment, without saying anything, then her gaze swiveled once more to her son.


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