Fatal Witness by Patricia Bradley

Fatal Witness by Patricia Bradley

Author:Patricia Bradley
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: Romantic Suspense;Christian fiction;Detective and mystery fiction;Romance fiction;Novels;FIC042060;FIC042040;FIC027110
Publisher: Baker Publishing Group
Published: 2023-12-04T00:00:00+00:00


Either it was the coffee, even though it was decaf, or the cake, or just the excitement, but Dani couldn’t go to sleep. Like a pinball, her thoughts bounced everywhere except toward relaxing. Images popped in and out of her mind, including one of the man at Mae’s house that first night. She’d never drawn it for Alex like she promised.

Dani threw back the blanket and grabbed her sketch pad and pencil from her case. She stared at the blank page, reliving last Saturday night, until her fingers sketched what she saw. When Dani finished, she tilted her head, studying the image, then made a few adjustments to the eyes around the ski mask the man had worn. That was the best she could do. She didn’t know if it would help Alex, but it’d certainly calmed her down. She put the pad and pencil on the nightstand, turned off the light, and soon fell into a fitful sleep.

“Danielle! Get in here!”

She flinched.


If she didn’t go, he would come after her. She laid her Barbie on the floor and trudged to the kitchen, slipping inside the room quiet as a cat.

Her dad pushed her mama toward their bedroom. “Get packed. We have to leave. Now!”

Mama turned and crossed her arms. “Why is he coming here, Bobby? What does he want?”

“His share of the diamonds,” he said. “We need to leave before he gets here. Now get to packing!”

“No! You have to take the diamonds back!”

“Don’t you understand? They’re our way out—” He cocked his head as tires crunched in their drive. “He’s here!” He slammed his fist against the table. “If you’d done what I’d said, we’d be out of here.”

“Me? You’re the one who broke the law! And now you’re even stealing from your partner.”

His face was so red Danielle thought he might explode. Then his face changed, and he didn’t look so mad. “I’m sorry. I’m just . . .” He swept her up in his arms and turned to her mother. “You stay here. I’ll see if I can talk our way out of this. But first, I’ll hide Danielle.”

Suddenly someone else was there. And she heard yelling. A man turned, his eyes getting mean when he saw her. Mama was still . . . Daddy too.

Dani bolted upright in the bed, sweat clinging to her body. She touched her face and wiped away the tears that streamed from her eyes. Lizi nudged her, and she wrapped her arms around the dog, burying her face in the corded hair.

This was a dream unlike any she’d ever had, weighing on her like a heavy blanket. Never had she seen her parents so clearly. In the past, their faces had been obscured. Maybe it wasn’t a dream at all. Maybe she was reliving something that had happened.

Could she capture the face of the man with the mean eyes in a sketch before the image faded entirely? Dani grabbed the sketch pad and pencil she’d placed on the table by the bed and began sketching a man’s face.


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