Galactic Empire
epub |eng | | Author:Martin Delrio [Delrio, Martin]

27 EASTERN SLOPES OF THE BLOODSTONE RANGE ROCKSPIRE MOUNTAINS NORTHWIND 23 JUNE 3133 The Northwind infantry was on the road again for the second time in as many weeks. The ...
( Category: Galactic Empire July 16,2024 )
epub, mobi |eng | | Author:Martin Delrio [Delrio, Martin]

“No,” he said. “No…” Letting the inner envelope fall unopened from suddenly nerveless fingers, he sank into the chair and buried his face in his hands. 26 JASMINE FLOWER WINE ...
( Category: Galactic Empire July 16,2024 )
epub |eng | | Author:Craig A. Reed, Jr. [Reed, Jr., Craig A.]

Twenty kilometers away from Colonel Murant’s position, Kara Moore had her Thunderbolt in a full-out run, trying desperately to reach any of the Second Lancers. As she crossed a bridge ...
( Category: Galactic Empire July 16,2024 )
mobi, epub |eng | | Author:Jason Schmetzer

MOUNT KLINE TUKAYYID FREE RASALHAGUE REPUBLIC 20 MAY 3052 Minka never thought she’d be back inside the precentor martial’s Tamo Mountain bunker, but here she was. Standing in the same ...
( Category: Galactic Empire July 16,2024 )
mobi, epub |eng | | Author:Joel Steverson

OVERLORD-C-CLASS DROPSHIP SNARL BRZO DROPPORT TUKAYYID FREE RASALHAGUE REPUBLIC 2130 HOURS, 21 MAY 3052 The ilKhan looked up from his terminal. Blood stained the length of his right arm, its ...
( Category: Galactic Empire July 16,2024 )
azw3 |eng | 2011-06-28 | Author:Matthew Stover [Stover, Matthew]

Han and Leia stood back-to-back in the middle of a tightening ring of rock creatures, sweeping their blasters through short arcs to spread the stun charges around, but each blast ...
( Category: Galactic Empire July 16,2024 )
azw3 |eng | 2024-01-20 | Author:Graham McNeill [McNeill, Graham]

CHAPTER TWELVE Two Roads Diverge Karolina lowered her sword as she beheld the corpse-features of her brother. A low moan escaped her cracked lips, and tears welled in her eyes ...
( Category: Galactic Empire July 16,2024 )
mobi, epub |eng | | Author:Michael A. Stackpole

CHAPTER 18 OVERLORD-CLASS DROPSHIP JAEGER, IN TRANSIT FORMER PREFECTURE IX (REPUBLIC OF THE SPHERE) 20 JANUARY 3137 Alaric was too grateful at having been given clothes to mind that the ...
( Category: Galactic Empire July 16,2024 )
epub |eng | | Author:Thomas S. Gressman

“There it is,” Ryan whispered in Talon Sergeant Raiko’s ear. Under normal circumstances, it would have taken the DEST teams less than a day to walk from the landing zone ...
( Category: Galactic Empire July 16,2024 )
mobi, epub |eng | | Author:Blaine Lee Pardoe

COMSTAR FIELD HEADQUARTERS TUKAYYID 7 MAY 3052 The ComStar ROM agent Christine Rosenfeld stood with crossed arms, glaring down at Adam, who was sitting in the sterile isolation room. Her ...
( Category: Galactic Empire July 16,2024 )
mobi, epub |eng | | Author:Unknown

XIX CATHAY SOLARIS CITY, SOLARIS VII BOLAN PROVINCE LYRAN COMMONWEALTH 6 DECEMBER 3084 The phone call Xiang was expecting happened thirty minutes after seeing reports that a dead triad member ...
( Category: Galactic Empire July 16,2024 )
epub |eng | 2016-11-22 | Author:Thomas S. Gressman

CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Gray Death Legion Compound Maria’s Elegy Space Port, Hesperus II Skye Province Lyran Alliance 01 July 3065 Lori sat in her office chair, leaning on the top of ...
( Category: Galactic Empire July 16,2024 )
azw3 |eng | 2016-05-02 | Author:Robert Thurston [Thurston, Robert]

24 The city of Olalla, or at least those parts of it for which Aidan had been able to obtain intelligence, wavered on his main screen. This time it was ...
( Category: Galactic Empire July 16,2024 )
mobi |eng | | Author:Jr. Craig A. Reed [Craig A. Reed, Jr.]

CHAPTER 19 CENTRAL SECTOR MALCHEEMA ARCTURUS TAMAR PACT 13 AUGUST 3151 “Ma’am, Legislator McKlav—” The door to Sarah’s office flew open as McKlaven kicked it hard enough to bounce it ...
( Category: Galactic Empire July 16,2024 )
azw3 |eng | 2018-12-22 | Author:Michael A. Stackpole [Stackpole, Michael A.]

Chapter 27 THARKAD DISTRICT OF DONEGAL LYRAN COMMONWEALTH 11 APRIL 3027 “Good afternoon, Misha…Andrew.” Ardan strode into the living room of Redburn’s suite, stopping to warm his hands before the ...
( Category: Galactic Empire July 16,2024 )