Galactic Empire
epub, mobi |eng | | Author:Michael J. Ciaravella [Ciaravella, Michael J.]

Having watched the situation from the back of the room, a shadowy figure stepped out and moved unhurriedly to the second level of the command area. He gave a small ...
( Category: Galactic Empire July 15,2024 )
epub |eng | | Author:Steven Mohan Jr. [Jr., Steven Mohan]

8 Corinne put down the map and looked up. No. What? What had Richard just said? For a moment she thought she had heard wrong, that her ears had deceived ...
( Category: Galactic Empire July 15,2024 )
epub |eng | | Author:Herbert A. Beas II [Beas II, Herbert A.]

TRIBE ENCAMPMENT FOREST OF SHROUDS JARDINE (HERAKLEION) FREE WORLDS LEAGUE 2 NOVEMBER 3067 As he stepped through another tabiranth-hide curtain into a chamber that appeared large enough to be a ...
( Category: Galactic Empire July 15,2024 )
epub |eng | | Author:Steven Mohan, Jr. [Mohan, Jr., Steven]

Coming Soon: More New Fiction from the Battle of Tukayyid ALL OR NOTHING… On 1 May 3052, twenty-five Galaxies from seven Clans clashed with twelve armies of ComStar’s Com Guards. ...
( Category: Galactic Empire July 15,2024 )
mobi, epub |eng | | Author:Jason Schmetzer

Minka Woloczak crested the small rise where the artillery had set up to find them all facing away from her. One of the guns fired as her sensors cleared the ...
( Category: Galactic Empire July 15,2024 )
azw3 |eng | 2017-02-13 | Author:William H. Keith Jr. [Keith Jr., William H.]

Alex Carlyle no longer knew his father. The change that had come over him recently was inexplicable. For as long as Alex had been able to remember, the Gray Death ...
( Category: Galactic Empire July 15,2024 )
epub |eng | | Author:Robert Thurston

All four remaining members of Aidan’s sibko qualified on the neurohelmet during that day. Falconer Joanna remarked offhandedly that it was quite rare for an entire group to master the ...
( Category: Galactic Empire July 15,2024 )
epub |eng | 2011-05-01 | Author:James D. Long

CHAPTER NINETEEN Harlech, Outreach 26 September 3054 Rose lounged with his back against the cool marble wall and watched the rest of his unit deal with having to wait. A ...
( Category: Galactic Empire July 15,2024 )
azw3 |eng | 2022-06-07 | Author:Tim Pratt [Pratt, Tim]

Chapter 20 Severyne “Nothing, captain,” Voyou reported, face impassive on her screen. She was in her office, and he was reporting from the bridge. Everyone worked better there when she ...
( Category: Galactic Empire July 15,2024 )
epub, mobi |eng | | Author:Unknown

Even as furious as she clearly was, Sachi Treyford wasn’t too hard on the eyes. Her blue eyes flashed easily, and she clearly hadn’t heard the word no all that ...
( Category: Galactic Empire July 15,2024 )
epub |eng | | Author:Unknown

Regardless of their planning, they were still not prepared for the Clan juggernaut. In December of 3051, the Blazing Aces were on Kaesong as a part of a private contract ...
( Category: Galactic Empire July 15,2024 )
epub |eng | | Author:Robert Thurston

Pershaw, knowing Lanja’s plan, kept track of her on one screen while watching Jorge on another. At the same time, he was able to fire off a cluster round at ...
( Category: Galactic Empire July 15,2024 )
mobi, epub |eng | | Author:Randall N. Bills

Postscript I’ve been a fan of the Draconis Combine almost from the very beginning of my BattleTech experience, and the Arkab Legion has always been a wonderful addition, embracing the ...
( Category: Galactic Empire July 15,2024 )
mobi, epub |eng | | Author:Herbert A. Beas II

CHAPTER FOUR I still can’t believe Marie’s gone. I just can’t. I’ve seen my share of dangers in this job. Hell, I’ve never seen an IE contract that didn’t have ...
( Category: Galactic Empire July 15,2024 )
mobi, epub |eng | | Author:Unknown

CHAPTER FIFTEEN TIERAPOLVO: TRAUSSIN TAURIAN CONCORDAT 11 JUNE 2581 1933 HOURS “Toma!” He’s alive, lying on his back in the dust, blinking. His right arm is several meters away, torn ...
( Category: Galactic Empire July 15,2024 )