The Spell Bind by Barbara Brauner

The Spell Bind by Barbara Brauner

Author:Barbara Brauner [Brauner, Barbara and Mattson, James Iver]
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9781484707791
Publisher: Disney Book Group

Ka-scrape, ka-scrape, ka-scrape is the sound I hear when I wake up the next morning.

I open my eyes and see that the portal got even bigger overnight. Not a lot bigger, but enough so now there’s not only wind blowing into the room, there’s snow, too. The ka-scrape noise is from a little snow shovel that scoops up the snow on the floor and dumps it back through the portal.

Katarina is perched on the edge of my dresser, taking the curlers out of her hair.

“What’s going on?” I ask sleepily.

“Snow removal, obviously.”

Then there’s a terrified little screech from the snow shovel, and it gets sucked right through the portal. Katarina, who doesn’t look away from the mirror, flicks her wand to create another shovel. “Augustina is trying to make my life difficult with her portal spell. I’m not letting that blue-haired buzzard get the best of me! Watch an expert at work.”

“I can’t! I have my internship at the petting zoo this morning.”

“Leave! I’ll stay here and look after things. And you, missy, figure out how you’re going to get Martin to go with you to talk to Abner.”


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