The Modern Mind by Peter Watson

The Modern Mind by Peter Watson

Author:Peter Watson [Watson, Peter]
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 978-0-06-203912-5
Publisher: HarperCollins
Published: 2001-12-26T16:00:00+00:00

Barely was the ink dry on the pages of these books, however, than they were challenged. Challenged is perhaps too weak a word, for the view they represented was in fact assaulted and attacked and bombarded from all sides at once. The attack came from anthropology, from history, and from other literatures; the bombardment was mounted by sociology, science, music, and television; the assault was launched even from inside Leavis’s own English department at Cambridge. The campaign is still going on and forms one of the main intellectual arteries of the last half of the twentieth century. It is one of the background factors that helps account for the rise of the individual. The initial and underlying motor for this change was powered by the advent of mass society, in particularly the psychological and sociological changes foreseen and described by David Riesman, C. Wright Mills, John Kenneth Galbraith, and Daniel Bell. But a motor provides energy, not direction. Although Riesman and the others helped to explain the way people were changing in general, as a result of mass society, specific direction for that change still had to be provided. The rest of this chapter introduces the main figures responsible for change, beginning with the neatest example.


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