The Entirely True Story of the Unbelievable FIB by Adam Shaughnessy

The Entirely True Story of the Unbelievable FIB by Adam Shaughnessy

Author:Adam Shaughnessy
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Algonquin Books
Published: 2015-07-01T20:17:16+00:00



ABE WAS PACING OUTSIDE THE FRONT DOORS OF THE school when Pru arrived Wednesday morning. She guessed from his anxious movement and the alarming state of his hair that he was upset about something.

“Pru! I’ve been waiting for you.”

Pru’s first thought had been that ABE was simply worked up over all they had learned the day before. Something about the way his eyes kept darting about in every direction suggested it was more than that, though.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“I think we’re trapped!”

Pru looked around. Kids hung about outside the school, enjoying their final moments of freedom before they’d be expected to go inside the gym and line up by class to start the day. Every once in a while, one would cast a nervous look at the ominous sky. Other than that, everything looked normal.

“I don’t know, ABE. I’m having a hard time feeling intimidated by that group of kindergartners over there.” Pru frowned, reconsidering. “Though some teacher really should wipe that one kid’s nose. Ew.”

“No, not here at school. I mean the whole town. Pru, I think we’re surrounded.”

“By what?”

ABE looked around him. Apparently satisfied no one would overhear, he replied, “Giants.”

“What? What do you mean?”

“I stopped at the library last night on the way home. Everything Mister Fox said . . . well, it kind of shook me up and I find libraries relaxing. While I was there, I overheard a guy and a girl talking. They’d been at a place called the overlook. Do you know it?”

“Yeah. It’s a spot along one of the hiking trails. It’s a view of the valley that surrounds the town. Not that there’s much to see,” Pru said, shrugging. “Just a bunch of trees and the road that eventually goes to the highway.”

ABE nodded. “That’s kind of what I figured from the way the two were talking. Anyway, they’d been at the overlook, and they said the whole valley was filled with fog. I’ve been thinking. Mister Fox said the giant was a frost giant, right? Well, it’s been pretty warm lately, except when the giant was around. Remember how cold it was the two times we saw him? It’s like he radiated cold, which would make sense if he’s a frost giant. Well, fog can form when warm air and cold air mix.”

Pru didn’t like where ABE was going with this. If fog formed around a frost giant, and the valley all around the town was filled with fog, it could really only mean one thing.

“Mister Fox was right,” she said. “More giants have come looking for the Middleton Stone and the Eye of Odin.”

“Pru, what are we going to do? Who knows how many giants are out there? Can Mister Fox get rid of them all with that looking glass of his? And why are they in the valley? Why haven’t they tried to take the Middleton Stone?”

ABE’s voice rose with every question, finally reaching a pitch that left Pru worried for the windows of the school.

“ABE, relax! It’s going to be okay.


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