The Egyptian Book of the Dead by John Romer
Author:John Romer
Language: eng
Format: epub, azw3, pdf
ISBN: 9780141918150
Publisher: Penguin Books Ltd
Published: 2007-12-31T16:00:00+00:00
RUBRIC: [These] words are to be said over a soul of gold inlaid with precious stones and placed on the breast of Osiris.
[From tho Papyrus of Nu (Brit. Mus. No. 10,477, sheet 8).]
Vignette: A jackal walking towards the funeral mountain (see Naville, op. cit., Bd. I. Bl. 102), or the deceased standing upright in the presence of the god Thoth, who is about to give unto him a roll of papyrus (see Lepsius, op. cit., Bl. 83).
Text: (1) THE CHAPTER OF DRIVING EVIL RECOLLECTIONS FROM THE MOUTH. The overseer of the house of the overseer of the seal, Nu, triumphant, the son of the overseer of the house of the overseer of the seal, Åmen-hetep, triumphant, saith:— (2)
“Hail, thou that cuttest off heads, and slittest brows, “thou being that puttest away the memory of evil “things from the mouth of the Khus by means of the “incantations which they have within them, look not “upon me with the [same] eyes (3) with which thou “lookest upon them. Go thou round about on thy “legs, and let thy face be [turned] behind thee so that “thou mayest be able to see the divine slaughterers of “the god Shu who are coming up (4) behind thee to “cut off thy head, and to slit thy brow by reason of the “message of violence [sent] by thy lord, and to see (?) “that which thou sayest. Work thou for me so that “the memory of evil things shall dart (5) from my “mouth; let not my head be cut off; let not my brow “be slit; and let not my mouth be shut fast by reason “of the incantations which thou hast within thee, “according to that which thou doest for the Khus “through (6) the incantations which they have within “themselves. Get thee back and depart at the [sound “of] the two speeches which the goddess Isis uttered, “when thou didst come to cast the recollection of evil “things into the mouth of Osiris (7) by the will of Suti “his enemy, saying, ‘Let thy face be towards thy privy “parts, and look upon that face which cometh forth “from the flame of the Eye of Horus against thee from “within the Eye of Tem,’ and the calamity. (8) of that “night which shall consume thee. And Osiris went “back, for the abomination of thee was in him; and “thou didst go back, for the abomination of him is in “thee. I have gone back, for the abomination of “thee is in me; and thou shalt go back, for the abomi-” nation of me is in thee. (9) Thou wouldst come unto “me, but I say that thou shalt not advance to me so “that I come to an end, and [I] say then to the divine “slaughterers of the god Shu, ‘Depart.’”
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