The Brutal Time by Christina Bauer

The Brutal Time by Christina Bauer

Author:Christina Bauer [Bauer, Christina]
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9781945723858
Publisher: Monster House Books




It’s late morning, and Nimue and Merlin stand under a tree, chatting about mage stuff. They conjured a pretty mean breakfast, but now they’re still sipping some kind of magic juice from huge mugs and making small talk. There’s no sign that we’re actually packing up camp and taking off any time soon.

Looks like some folks need extra motivation.

I sashay over to the tree in question. “Do you guys need help packing anything so we can leave? After all, we’re off for Camelot. Tick-tock.”

“It is a fine morning,” says Nimue. “Slow down and enjoy it.”

I stare at her and count off a good five seconds. “Wow, that was a nice break. Let’s get going now.”

Merlin cracks a smile. “That was no time at all.”

“I disagree. Back home, I’d have reviewed a million souls by now. Not to mention all my work with the fading angels.” I really drag out the words fading angels, hoping that will grab their attention.

Nope. The fading angels line does nothing. Nimue and Merlin keep yammering away. Something about crystals storing power. Whatever.

I clear my throat. “Guys?” They turn in my direction. “Honestly, all this sitting around is making me nuts. Can we go already? I haven’t been this bored since high school.” And that’s saying something.

“We are preparing ourselves,” says Nimue. “Magic users require extra time.”

“Well, everyone I know might be erased from all history unless I figure some things out, fast. Plus my husband is missing and may be running around here somewhere. So anything you can do to actually get your magical asses in gear? That would be most appreciated.”

“Point made,” says Merlin. And he turns his back on me.

I come to a major revelation. Merlin is a total dick.

Looking away from Merlin and Nimue, I scan the road that I’d very much like to be traveling on. That’s when it happens.

A little black blob appears on the horizon.

Can it be? Yes, it is!

A trio of figures have appeared on the road ahead. Yay! If nothing else, I can hitch myself another ride out of here.

Nimue and Merlin notice the newcomers as well. Both frown so deeply, I worry that they’ll permanently crease their faces or something.

“Oh, no,” whispers Merlin.

“What is it?” I ask. “Archdemons?” Because I’ve been hoping to fight one or two of them along the way. It’s better than sitting on a rock and watching mages.

“No, it’s some knights of the round table,” sighs Nimue. The way she says the words knights of the round table, it’s the way I might say, annual vaginal exam. Not fun.

The knights close in and sure enough, it’s none other than Lancelot and some other medieval dudes I don’t recognize. My heart speeds. The Sir Lancelot! Amazing. Not that I’m the type to fan girl, but come on. Lancelot is Mister Romance. Anyone could get a little starry eyed.

The knights show up on their oversized white horses. Up close, I can see that Lancelot has a swoosh of blond hair under his helm and one of those pinch-lipped expressions on his face.


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