Sinners & Saints by Victoria Christopher Murray

Sinners & Saints by Victoria Christopher Murray

Author:Victoria Christopher Murray
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Touchstone



As God was her witness, Rachel was going to strangle Jasmine Cox Larson Bush until she took her last breath. Right now, Rachel was thinking of a thousand and one ways for Jasmine to die. And if it took the rest of her life, Rachel wouldn’t rest until she made that Botox bimbo pay.

“Hey! No one has come for me?” Rachel screamed from the holding cell. She was so angry she couldn’t stop shaking.

“For the five-thousandth time, no!” the female deputy shot back. “I will let you know when someone gets here, so quit asking, you’re getting on my nerves!”

“I’ve been here fifteen hours and my husband should’ve gotten me out by now.” Rachel had been so hysterical when she’d arrived that they’d let her call Lester as soon as she got through booking. Cecelia had already filled him in and he was horrified at the news, but promised that he’d get her out as soon as possible.

The deputy appeared in front of Rachel, her hands plastered on her hips. She looked like she was about to explode out of her too-tight uniform. “You’ve been here less than two hours,” the deputy said, exasperated. “Now shut up and have a seat before I put you in the real cell.”

Two hours? That’s all? Rachel slinked away from the bars and then began pacing back and forth across the cell. She was no stranger to jail. She’d been put behind bars once when she was a teenager for stalking Bobby and pulling a knife on his new girlfriend. But that was a lifetime ago. She might lead a drama-filled life, but nothing about that life was criminal and she dang sure had never stolen anything. She couldn’t believe she was being accused of it now. Rachel knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jasmine was behind this whole mess. If she had to stay in this place overnight, they might as well give her a permanent spot because she was going to be right back for murder anyway.

Rachel glanced around the dingy cell. There were four other women there, two that looked like they’d just walked in off the street corner, another that looked like she used to be a man in a former life, and a mousy-looking woman who sat in the corner, terrified. Rachel had heard horror stories about women in jail, but luckily everyone seemed caught up in their own problems and no one seemed to be worried about her.

“Adams, I guess you can calm down now.”

Rachel jumped at the sound of the deputy’s voice. She didn’t even realize how long she’d been lost in thought. “Thank God, I’m getting out,” she said, scurrying over to the bars.

The deputy held her hand up. “Whoa, not so fast. You’re not going anywhere just yet. But you do have a visitor.”

“I’m not getting out?” Rachel asked.

“You are, but just for a minute.”

“This is so not fair.”

The deputy unlocked the door and stepped aside for Rachel to walk out. “You should’ve thought about that before you stole that jewelry.


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