Sects, Lies, and the Caliphate: Ten Years of Observations on Islam by Furnish Timothy

Sects, Lies, and the Caliphate: Ten Years of Observations on Islam by Furnish Timothy

Author:Furnish, Timothy [Furnish, Timothy]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2016-01-15T22:00:00+00:00

I commented on Brennan’s, and indeed his entire agencies, (willful?) blindness to Islamic realities previously (Ten Years’ Captivation with the Mahdi’s Camps, pp. 207-213). But as Ronaldus Magnus once said to an equally clueless opponent, “there you go again.” At the Council on Foreign Relations two days ago, the man who oversees the mission to “provide…leaders with the best information possible to help them make policy involving other countries” expressed egregiously bad information on Islamic history and beliefs–and not for the first time, either. Brennan, who once worked as CIA station chief in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and who is said to hold a M.A. in Middle Eastern Studies from the University of Texas-Austin, said the following: that al-Qa`idah’s [AQ] Islamic ideology is “a perverse and very corrupt interpretation of the Qur’an” and that that organization has “hijacked” Islam and “distorted the teachings of Mohammed [sic], for violent purposes.” I first refuted this ludicrous claim–particularly the “hijacking” one–almost a decade ago. And I will leave for others to deal with the legion of violent Qur’anic passages that disprove Brennan’s laughable claim about AQ’s exegesis. Instead, let’s focus on the founder of Islam, Muhammad. According to not just the Qur’an but hadiths (sayings attributed to Muhammad) and sirât, or biographies of him, Muhammad not only practiced violence but seemed to enjoy and recommend it. And this was not “defensive” war, as the apologists would have it–it was more often than not offensive, attacking peoples and states who had done no harm to any Muslims. Muhammad of course (in)famously presided over the beheading of between 600 and 900 men of the Jewish Banu Qurayzah tribe in Medina who refused to acknowledge him as a “prophet.” He also supervised the beheading of a Meccan poet, al-Nadr b. al-Harith, who opposed him. Muhammad furthermore enjoined warring against other Muslims whom he deemed insufficiently devoted to jihad–even ordering that a mosque built by such be burned down. The “prophet” of Islam also employed torture, as he ordered the torture by fire of the Jew Kinana b. al-Rabi`.


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