Seams in Reality by Alex Siegel

Seams in Reality by Alex Siegel

Author:Alex Siegel [Alex Siegel]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2015-06-18T16:00:00+00:00

Chapter Twelve

Andrew and Charley stepped out of the limousine. According to their research, Candler Park covered 55 acres. It featured a nine-hole golf course, a swimming pool, a soccer field, a basketball court, tennis courts, and a playground. From the street, it looked like an endless expanse of grass and trees with gentle slopes. The forest was dense in some areas, providing plenty of good spots for "sorcerers" to gather in secret.

Dan rolled down the window of the limousine. "Do you feel a seam?" he asked.

Andrew closed his eyes and searched with his inner sense. "Nothing," he said after a minute.

"All clear," Charley said. "If sorcerers are here, they can't do much."

"The men are deployed," Dan said. "They'll have eyes on you constantly. Just wave your arms if you get into trouble."

Andrew looked into the forest. The sun had set, but street lamps in the park provided lighting along the paths. He didn't see any men hiding in the shadows. He had to trust they were there.

"Go," Dan said.

Andrew and Charley started walking along a concrete path. The park was quiet and spooky.

"This is weird," she said. "Why would sorcerers meet in a park without a seam at night?"

"I guess we'll find out," he said. "I hope Serkan is OK. I liked the guy."

"Me, too."

They headed towards the southern end of the park where the trees were closest together. Andrew kept his inner eye attuned for the slightest flicker of energy. If there were a seam or a sorcerer in the area, he would detect it, but the only source was Charley.

"Getting anything?" he said.

"Not yet," she said. "Of course, a master sorcerer can hide his energy."

"Why would a master sorcerer come here?"

"Good question."

They wandered back and forth for an hour. Andrew grew bored with the assignment, and he started to wonder if it were a waste of time. It was possible Patricia Lemay had been mistaken. She had struck him as a flake to put it kindly.

Andrew was about ready to call it quits when he saw a figure wearing a black cloak dashing across a field.

"There," Andrew whispered.

"I saw him," Charley whispered. "Come on."

They walked quickly but quietly, following the figure in black. It seemed to be a thin, tall man.

For the hundredth time, Andrew looked around for any sign of the BPI, but the agents were too well hidden. They're out there, he told himself. Have faith.

Andrew spotted a circle of other people dressed in black up ahead. They were making good use of the shadows, but his eyes were well adjusted to the darkness, and he had no trouble seeing them. They were wearing cloaks and robes which concealed their bodies.

Charley tapped Andrew on the shoulder and pointed to a bush. It was a good place to discreetly observe the strange gathering. He followed her over while trying to walk silently across the short grass. The two apprentices crouched down and peeked through the leaves.

He still didn't sense any real sorcery.

Andrew looked at the exposed faces of the two dozen people in black, and they were a mix of young men and women.


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