Journeys of the Heart by Camille Elliot & Winnie Griggs & Erica Vetsch

Journeys of the Heart by Camille Elliot & Winnie Griggs & Erica Vetsch

Author:Camille Elliot & Winnie Griggs & Erica Vetsch [Elliot, Camille]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Wild Heart Books

Wyatt turned when he heard the door open and was pleased to see it was Anisha. He gave her a sympathetic smile. "Couldn't you sleep?"

She shook her head. "I thought maybe a bit of fresh air would help."

"Me too."

She moved to the end of the steps opposite him and leaned against a second post. They stood without speaking for a while, both staring into the night.

She finally broke the silence. "How do you think today went?"

He cut her an amused glance. "I think between your persuasive charm and determined-to-be-cheerful attitude, the old codger didn't have a chance."

Her smile turned innocent. "You think I have charm?"

He shook his head. "You may as well give it up, Miss Hayes. I'm on to your ways."

She grinned, apparently taking no offense. "One of the verses in the Bible that I've always taken to heart comes from Proverbs. A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit drieth up the bones." She wrinkled her nose. "And who wants dry bones?"

A smile tugged at his lips. From what he'd seen of her these past few days she'd never have to worry about that.

"What about you, Dr. Murdoch?" she asked. "Is there some verse you keep close to your heart?"

He sidestepped the question. "I wish you would stop calling me Dr. Murdoch. I told you, I no longer consider myself a physician."

"But you are a doctor, so I refuse to call you Mr. Murdoch."

"Then call me Wyatt."

He thought he detected a little pink color in her cheeks as she smiled. "I'd like that. But only if you call me Annie."

He shook his head. "I think not."

Her expression wavered, turned uncertain. "I'm sorry. I—"

"I'd prefer to call you by your true name, Anisha. With your permission, of course."

Her expression cleared, and he could tell she was touched. "You most definitely have my permission." Then she tilted her head to the side. "The foreignness of it doesn't bother you?"

"On the contrary, I think Anisha is a lovely name. I also think it suits you quite well."

Her eyes sparkled in pleasure. Which was a very good look on her. He wondered idly how to bring that out in her more often.

That last brought him to his senses. Was he actually flirting with her? That wouldn't do at all.

He straightened. "I believe this long day is finally catching up to me. I'll bid you good night."

"Good night Dr.—I mean Wyatt."

As Wyatt headed inside his storeroom-cum-bedroom, he called himself all kinds of fool. There was no future for him and Anisha. She was interested in travel and adventure, in looking forward to what life had to offer her. He was someone who used to be a surgeon and now had no future worth pursuing. He would only be a drag on her, holding her back if he tried to pursue her.

No, better to keep this strictly businesslike and part ways at the end of this assignment, just as they'd planned.

But just because it was better didn't mean he was happy about it.


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