Free Yourself from Fears by Joseph O'Connor
Author:Joseph O'Connor [O'Connor, Joseph]
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9781857883602
Publisher: Nicholas Brealey Publishing
Published: 2011-01-15T05:00:00+00:00
suffer before a competition. Usually, the more important the performance, the stronger the fear. Some people suffer from excruciating anxiety even at the thought of giving a small speech to a friendly audience who they may never see again.
The first step if you suffer from any sort of performance anxiety is to ask yourself the following very simple question: Do I deserve to succeed?
You deserve to succeed if you have adequately prepared. If you have not adequately prepared then your fear is giving you a very valuable message. You need to work more on your presentation. For every minute you are in the public eye, prepare for five minutes. If you do not know how to prepare, seek out someone who can teach you or a book that can give you some idea about how to organize your material.
Suppose that you have prepared. You know you deserve to succeed. Yet, the fear still gnaws at you and you cannot understand why you are afraid. You want to succeed, and you know the audience wants you to succeed. (All audiences want to be entertained; they do not want the performer to fail, and they do not want to have to go home after a bad experience, especially if they have paid for it.) Performance anxiety is fear of the future. If you are adequately prepared and still find yourself afraid of an impending performance, use the following skill that is similar to the fear of failure pattern.
Skill for freedom
Performance anxiety: From fear to action 1 Acknowledge your fear. So you are frightened.That is natural. It does not mean that you will fail or make a fool of yourself.The best performers feel frightened before performing.
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