Fierce Awakenings by Centeno Kristy

Fierce Awakenings by Centeno Kristy

Author:Centeno, Kristy [Centeno, Kristy]
Language: eng
Format: azw3
Publisher: Limitless Publishing LLC
Published: 2014-06-23T04:00:00+00:00

Chapter Sixteen

Victoria waited until her heart stopped racing before glancing around the room. It was big, spacious, and filled with Victorian type furniture the likes of which she had only seen in magazines and television shows depicting eras of the past. The entire room, wallpaper included, looked like they should be showcased in a museum. If she hadn’t been positively fuming over being left alone in a place she didn’t recognize, Victoria would have stopped to admire the beauty of the bedroom longer.

As it turned out, she was left stewing in her own anger. Tristan had decided to just whisk her away to some unknown destination, and although she was grateful for that much, the man had left without providing answers, which bothered her. It was exasperating, to say the least, but for him to just disappear before she could even think to argue was downright mean.

Damn the blasted vampire for being so unpredictable.

As she began to wonder when exactly to stop digging her own grave, for now that Danero and Tristan were involved, things were getting far more complicated than she’d anticipated. She heard footsteps in the hallway. Waiting by the bedpost, she used her preternatural senses to detect the oncoming presence, immediately noting that whoever was trotting toward the bedroom door was human. Unsure of what to make of this development, Victoria simply waited patiently for the door to open.

Moments later, a soft rap on the door announced the person had finally made it to the bedroom’s entrance. Calling out to whoever was at the other side to come in, Victoria watched as the huge wooden door swung open and a woman in her mid-fifties stepped inside, appraising Victoria briefly as a warm smile spread her lips apart.

“My name is Emelina.” The woman closed the door behind her and approached. “Mr. Garland sent me up here to make sure his guest was perfectly comfortable. I assume you are the guest he spoke of.” Emelina spoke with a heavy accent but Victoria could not discern where the woman was from.

A guest? She was a guest in his house? “Um, I guess I am.”

The woman’s smile enhanced. “Good. Mr. Garland instructed me to provide you with anything you might need.”

Victoria took two steps toward Emelina then stopped. “Where is he?”

“He left, but he will be back soon,” she replied, her soft brown eyes taking her in with interest. “Is there anything you desire?”

Although she was still furious with Tristan for dumping her God knew where, there was no point in ranting about it since the man was nowhere within sight.

“Actually, a bath would be nice.” Submerging her body in warm water would probably help cool her anger down.

“Of course.” The woman walked across the room to a closed door at the opposite side of the room and opened it. Stepping inside, the woman said, “There are no women’s clothing here, but there are some items in this closet you might be able to wear until Mr. Garland shows himself.”

“Is he the lord of this house?” Victoria asked, surprised.


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