Don't Love a Liar by Cynthia Eden

Don't Love a Liar by Cynthia Eden

Author:Cynthia Eden
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: Romance
Publisher: Hocus Pocus Publishing, Inc.

Chapter Eleven

Joshua’s head appeared once more. Immediately, his gaze went to Kennedy. Kennedy, then Remy—and Remy clearly read the message in his partner’s eyes even before the other guy ordered, “Get all civilians out, now. I need bolt cutters, and I need a medic team.”

Kennedy tried to surge forward, but Remy hauled her back. “No, baby. No.”

“Kyle’s alive,” Joshua said flatly. “But you have to get out of here. Now. Take her upstairs, Remy. Get her out of here.”

She fought him, but Remy just tightened his hold on her. He knew those two, powerful words—Kyle’s alive—would be ripping through her. But the FBI had a job to do. He had a job to do. And Remy had to follow orders. When she fought him, he just lifted her into his arms.

“Remy, no! That’s my brother! That’s my—”

He carried her up the stairs. Kept a tight hold on her. He wasn’t letting her go. He didn’t quite understand what was happening. Wasn’t sure that anyone did. But priority one was getting her out of there so the others could do their work.

Connor hurried out with them. He was right behind Remy the whole time. They cleared the first floor. Remy climbed down the porch steps. He took Kennedy back toward his car—

“You bastard! Let me go, now!” she screamed.

He put her on her feet. He didn’t let go. “They have a job to do, Kennedy.”

Blue lights swirled around them. They lit up her face, showing Kennedy’s clear rage. “He’s my brother!”

“And you heard Agent Morgan. Your brother is alive, but you have to let the authorities do their job. Let them get him out.” He had no idea what condition Kyle Clarke might be in. Joshua’s expression had been too closed for him to get any clue.

But this case—shit, it had just taken a turn he hadn’t expected.

Bolt cutters?

All signs had pointed to Kyle Clarke being the killer. So how the hell had he gotten locked beneath the freaking floor? How long had he been down there?

“Kennedy, I’m so sorry.” That was the other guy’s voice—Connor Wise. He surged forward and lifted a hand toward Kennedy, as if he’d touch her, comfort her. But he stopped. Connor stared at her with torment on his face. “I had no idea that Kyle was here, I swear.”

Remy didn’t like the way the guy was looking at her. With torment, yeah, but there was more. It was in the way he said her name. Too much longing. Too much emotion.

Remy put his body between them. “Your freaking house—and a man was just found sealed away beneath your floor. What in the hell?”

Connor scrubbed a hand over his face. “I haven’t been here in years. The place holds too many painful memories for me. I stayed away. I-I didn’t know.” His head craned so he could see Kennedy. “I didn’t know.”

“You didn’t know about the secret pit in the basement?” Remy fired at him. “Or you didn’t know that a man was being held captive down there? Didn’t know what, exactly? Explain this shit to me.


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