Defender (Night War Saga Book 2) by S.T. Bende & Leia Stone

Defender (Night War Saga Book 2) by S.T. Bende & Leia Stone

Author:S.T. Bende & Leia Stone [Bende, S.T.]
Language: eng
Format: azw3, epub
Published: 2017-07-16T04:00:00+00:00


HJALMAR LED US IN a single-file line toward the concentration of dark energy at the rock formation. Now that we were closer, the energy signature was more discernable. The blackness reached high into the sky, like the ominous tentacles of an octopus. There was definitely a nasty trap waiting for us up ahead. When I relayed my findings to our group, Tore confirmed my assessment.

“Be careful,” he warned. “We don’t know how many night elves are waiting for us or where they’ll be. Stick together.”

I moved closer to his side as we continued through the trees. This part of the forest gave way to a small clearing populated by enormous, jagged rocks and a massive tower of boulders. They were stacked on top of one another some fifty feet high, creating a beautiful and bizarre piece of granite art. When we neared the cluster of stone, my armor gave a piercing tingle that radiated from my shoulder to my elbow. Excitement coursed through me as I skidded to a stop.

Tore turned to look at me with concern. “Pepper?”

I rolled my shoulder to lessen the burning sensation. “My armor is going crazy. The piece must be close. Well, that or it’s warning me of my impending death.”

Hjalmar watched me, an uneasy look in his eye. He raised his head as a gust of wind blew through the trees, bringing with it a smoky scent. His nostrils flared, and he immediately drew two weapons before spinning to face the boulders in a low crouch. “Intruders!” he roared, and my stomach dropped. “Spread out.” We all followed his orders without question.

Tore, Greta, and I darted to the left, while Johan and Mack ran to the right. We were too exposed in the clearing, so Tore and Greta dove behind two of the jagged rocks. I was poised to follow suit when a loud crackling drew my attention to the top of the pile.

Holy. Freaking. Hell.

“What in the name of all things evil is that?” My eyes widened as I took in the giant creature. He stood at least fifteen feet tall, with spiky horns atop his head and molten red veins crawling along his body. When the creature bared his yellowed teeth, fire swirled deep within his mouth.

“Some kind of mutated fire giant. Allie, take Greta, and get out of here,” Tore commanded.

“But I can help—”

“I want you to protect Greta.” Tore cut me off. “She can work her energy magic from the safety of the trees. Head around the rock formation, and hide in the forest. Once I see that Hjalmar’s got the monster under control, I’ll follow you,” Tore promised.

Fine. I grabbed Greta’s hand and pulled her forward. “Stay safe,” I called over my shoulder before charging past the boulders. Hjalmar and Johann were already halfway to the top, weapons drawn.

“I knew I smelled you,” Hjalmar cried. The fierce tenor of his voice echoed through the trees.

A surge of heat nipped at my heels, pushing me to run faster. I released Greta’s hand, but she easily kept pace at my side.


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