epub |eng | 2020-08-15 | Author:Nugent, Shemane; [Shemane Nugent]

Chapter 21 Last Day Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. – Mahatma Gandhi Picture this: I, the woman known for ...
( Category: Self-Esteem August 24,2023 )
epub |eng | | Author:Ashley, Patti;

Client Exercise The Wisdom Rock Meditation Close your eyes and imagine you are surrounded by rocks. They have been there for many years and are holding the ancient wisdom of ...
( Category: Anxieties & Phobias August 24,2023 )
epub |eng | 2017-11-29 | Author:Sitskoorn, Margriet;

PFC exercise: No smartphone Try to go for a day – or if you can’t face that, half a day – without your smartphone, or at least without Whatsapp, Snapchat, ...
( Category: Memory Improvement August 24,2023 )
azw3 |eng | 2023-05-23 | Author:David Heimbacher [Heimbacher, David]

Establish New Habits Bad habits paralyze you, thereby keeping you trapped in structures that promote negative thinking patterns. Stress levels rise when there is increased television consumption, a poor sleep ...
( Category: Personal Transformation August 23,2023 )
epub |eng | 2019-10-30 | Author:Norman, Martin;

The Cemetery (second phase) He then asked to visit the cemetery again in our session, where he released his sadness for not being there when his paternal grandparents had passed ...
( Category: Abuse August 23,2023 )
epub |eng | 2019-01-31 | Author:Mullin, Kevin;

When you tell yourself something good where does the voice come from? (A) What does it feel like to go running in the rain? (K)(V) What does silk feel like ...
( Category: Personal Transformation August 23,2023 )
epub |eng | 2018-08-15 | Author:Nannen, Sarah; [Sarah Nannen]

BOUNDARIES There will likely be times when thoughtless comments and unwelcome counsel leaves you feeling irresponsible, incapable, and irrational in your journey through grief. There may even be moments when ...
( Category: Grief & Bereavement August 23,2023 )
epub |eng | 2017-08-15 | Author:Miller, Jody B.;Feld, Brad; [Jody B. Miller]

Giada De Laurentiis on the set of the Food Network television show with Darren’s “Amore” painting in the background After 15 years in Hawaii, Darren’s health took a turn for ...
( Category: Success August 23,2023 )
epub |eng | 2014-08-15 | Author:Noll, Patricia;

EXPLORATION AND DISCOVERY: What poor and perhaps self-destructive choices have you made to escape feeling bad? For example, when did you eat a whole bag of chips while watching your ...
( Category: Self-Esteem August 23,2023 )
pdf |en | | Author: Ashida Kim

( Category: Abuse August 23,2023 )
epub, azw3 |eng | 2023-06-18 | Author:Luke Thybulle

Goals Aid in Overcoming Procrastination We all struggle with procrastination from time to time. Procrastination is harmful, but when you make goals in life—specific goals for what you want to ...
( Category: Happiness August 22,2023 )
azw3, epub |eng | 2023-07-29 | Author:Stanley Sheppard

Key Takeaways: 1. Developing authentic connections requires navigating societal expectations and overcoming barriers to authenticity. 2. Social expectations and masks can hinder our ability to express our true selves and ...
( Category: Spiritual August 22,2023 )
epub |eng | 2019-08-15 | Author:Hill, Napoleon;Williamson, Judith;

Eat right, think right, sleep right, and play right and you can save the doctor’s bill for your vacation money. When things become so bad they cannot become worse they ...
( Category: Self-Esteem August 22,2023 )