mobi, epub |eng | 2000-02-29 | Author:Van Voorst, Robert E.

Table 3 The Contents of the Signs Source in John Fortna gives a brief discussion of the character of SQ.304 It was a written book, as its conclusion, now in ...
( Category: New Testament February 15,2015 )
mobi, epub |eng | 2011-10-04 | Author:Pagels, Elaine [Pagels, Elaine]

Gregory also understood how people suffer through their natural desire for children: There is pain always, whether children are born, or can never be expected; whether they live or die. ...
( Category: Christianity February 15,2015 )
epub |eng | 2014-04-15 | Author:Satlow, Michael L [Satlow, Michael L]

And you know that we have separated from the mass of the people . . . and from mingling with them in these matters and from being in contact with ...
( Category: Christianity February 15,2015 )
epub |eng | 2009-04-16 | Author:Komarnitsky, Kris D. [Komarnitsky, Kris D.]

If the ascension tradition arose in order to explain why the appearances stopped after a short time in the early Christian community, the reason an extra-mental Jesus does not appear ...
( Category: Christianity February 15,2015 )
epub, azw3 |zho | 2015-02-09 | Author:Phillips, Jonathan [Phillips, Jonathan]

CHAPTER TEN ‘I should like you to know that a number of my people do not love me’ Triumph and Tensions at Constantinople, July—August 1203 IN SPITE OF the crusaders’ ...
( Category: Christianity February 12,2015 )
epub |eng | 2015-01-08 | Author:Paul L. Williams

THE RAID'S RESULTS The raid at Arezzo produced another devastating result: the loss of power for the Christian Democrats in Italy. Since 1947, the CIA had bolstered the party with ...
( Category: Christianity February 9,2015 )
mobi |eng | 2013-08-01 | Author:Daryl Aaron

Therefore, salvation can only come through the gracious work of God—sola gratia—received by faith—sola fide—based on the sacrificial work of Christ on the sinner’s behalf—solus Christus. This is none other ...
( Category: Christianity February 9,2015 )
epub, mobi |eng | 2009-11-10 | Author:Michael Haag [Haag, Michael]

* * * Lonely Outposts The fall of the Crusader castles to the Mamelukes needs some explanation. How could such magnificent structures, built at such vast cost and effort, incorporating ...
( Category: Christianity February 8,2015 )
epub |eng | 2014-03-16 | Author:Almond, Philip C. [Almond, Philip C.]

The Devil’s Mark In Protestant theology, and Calvinist thought in partic­ular, the relationship established between God and man was a covenantal one in which the terms were established by God ...
( Category: Christianity February 3,2015 )
epub, azw3 |eng | 2007-04-03 | Author:Finkelstein, Israel & Silberman, Neil Asher [Finkelstein, Israel]

CREATING THE SOLOMONIC MYTH The stories of Solomon in the Bible are uniquely cosmopolitan. Foreign leaders are not enemies to be conquered or tyrants to be suffered; they are equals ...
( Category: Christianity January 29,2015 )
epub |eng | 2011-11-08 | Author:Haynes, Alan [Haynes, Alan]

EIGHT After Midnight It soon proved impossible to withhold news of the discovery and arrest, and by five o’clock on Tuesday morning Thomas Winter was alerted by the younger of ...
( Category: England January 29,2015 )
epub, mobi |eng | 1807-01-18 | Author:Thomas Paine [Paine, Thomas]

Table of the Prophets, with the time in which they lived before Christ, and also before the books of Kings and Chronicles were written: Name: Isaiah Years before Christ: 760 ...
( Category: History & Theory January 19,2015 )
azw3 |eng | 1953-12-22 | Author:Dietrich Bonhoeffer

To Eberhard Bethge [Tegel] 21 February 1944 Dear Eberhard, It was an indescribable joy to hear from you! And also from Maria today, that you wrote to her on my ...
( Category: Christianity January 18,2015 )
epub, mobi, azw3, pdf |eng | 2015-01-01 | Author:Kevin Madigan [Madigan, Kevin]

19. St. Francis of Assisi as an old man. Detail from Madonna and Child with Angels, by Cimabue (1240–1302). Photo credit: Scala/Art Resource, NY. To the distress occasioned by unwanted ...
( Category: Christianity January 11,2015 )
azw3 |eng | 2009-01-03 | Author:Gregory A. Wills

Toward the end of the century, when Baptists more frequently joined other denominations, excommunication became a routine affair, espe cially in town and city churches, which handled most of these ...
( Category: Christianity December 31,2014 )