mobi, epub, pdf |eng | 2008-01-02 | Author:Edward Dolnick

ON SEPTEMBER 14, 1937, Boon sent Bredius a one-sentence letter. He had arrived in Paris with the precious “lamb”—Christ at Emmaus—and had stored it in a vault at the Crédit ...
( Category: Hoaxes & Deceptions March 25,2014 )
mobi |eng | 2004-04-15 | Author:Emily Carr; Kathryn Bridge

SLEEP When I was a child I was staying at one of Victoria’s beaches. I was down on the point watching a school of porpoises at play off Trial Island ...
( Category: Specific Groups March 25,2014 )
mobi |eng | 2008-10-07 | Author:Robert Clark

At eight o’clock on the morning of November 8, the Casa del Popolo of Santa Croce officially opened as the de facto relief center of the quartiere. Food tables were ...
( Category: Criticism March 25,2014 )
mobi, epub |eng | 2008-01-02 | Author:Bill Hayes

The topmost takes its name, as tendons tend to, from the muscle from which it emerges, the flexor digitorum superficialis, located way up in the forearm. This muscle also has ...
( Category: Anatomy March 25,2014 )
mobi, epub |eng | 2011-08-16 | Author:Hal Vaughan

EIGHT DINCKLAGE MEETS HITLER; CHANEL BECOMES AN ABWEHR AGENT À la guerre comme à la guerre. —FRENCH PROVERB IN EARLY 1941, Dincklage left Chanel in Paris. He traveled to Berlin ...
( Category: Fashion Design March 25,2014 )
mobi, epub, azw3 |eng | 2006-06-27 | Author:Edward Dolnick

Charley Hill relishes such stories, partly because they buttress his view that the human race is composed largely of ninnies but mainly because he takes personal offense at the widespread ...
( Category: World March 25,2014 )
mobi, azw3, epub |eng | 2010-05-25 | Author:Laney Salisbury & Aly Sujo

Now a cloud hung over their friendship, such as it had been. Whenever they got together, Drewe went on for hours about his problems with Goudsmid and various art dealers, ...
( Category: Specific Groups March 25,2014 )
mobi, epub |eng | 2011-10-26 | Author:MacGregor, Neil [MacGregor, Neil]

He made in it great pictures of gold and silver, and a great basin, whose surfacing outside and inside was plates of silver, and he put on it a tree ...
( Category: Art March 25,2014 )
epub, mobi |eng | 2014-06-16 | Author:Megan Abbott

A few minutes later, they were all standing by the car. “Gabby,” Deenie had whispered, “it’s the only way we’ll find out.” A man with a large camera hoisted over ...
( Category: Medical March 25,2014 )
epub, mobi |eng | 2014-01-27 | Author:Carl Hiaasen [Hiaasen, Carl]

June 12, 2005 In Gitmo, Diet Rich in Carbs, Lean on Rights To rebuff accusations that the United States is running a “gulag” at its Guantánamo Bay naval base, the ...
( Category: Satire March 25,2014 )
epub, mobi, azw3, pdf |eng | 2014-02-19 | Author:Anthony Burgess

3 That very same evening I was dragged down nice and gentle by brutal tolchocking chassos to viddy the Governor in his holy of holies holy office. The Governor looked ...
( Category: Classics March 25,2014 )
epub |eng | 2009-10-29 | Author:McGovern, Patrick E. [McGovern, Patrick E.]

SIX SAILING THE WINE-DARK MEDITERRANEAN MY WIFE AND I CAUGHT our first glimpse of the azure Mediterranean in 1971, when we traveled south from Germany to Italy, on our way ...
( Category: Wine March 25,2014 )
mobi, epub |eng | 2007-10-16 | Author:Ross, Alex [Ross, Alex]

On January 30, 1939, Hitler celebrated the sixth anniversary of his regime by delivering a major address to the Reichstag. Since the burning of the Reichstag building in 1933, the ...
( Category: History & Criticism March 25,2014 )
epub |eng | 1998-03-24 | Author:Charles Baudelaire

91. Les Petites Vieilles A Victor Hugo 1 Dans les plis sinueux des vieilles capitales, Où tout, même l’horreur, tourne aux enchantements, Je guette, obéissant à mes humeurs fatales, Des ...
( Category: European March 25,2014 )
epub |eng | 2013-02-03 | Author:Nirenberg, David [Nirenberg, David]

“A Jew First, after a Cartesian, and Now an Atheist” If Spinoza was not singular in his “anti-Judaism,” he was nearly unique in his Judaism, and in this, too, he ...
( Category: Judaism March 25,2014 )