Science Fiction & Fantasy
epub |eng | 2017-11-28 | Author:Sara Baysinger

Part III: The Fire Chapter Twenty-Seven The next month passes by in a blur of music and hope and strange emotions. Kalen brings his Tavdorian girlfriend over less, spares that ...
( Category: Science Fiction & Fantasy July 25,2024 )
epub |eng | 2021-07-22 | Author:Paula Harrison

“Can I come on another adventure with you?” asked the largest fledgling. “Please? It was so much fun!” “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Kitty replied. “You’re still a ...
( Category: Superheroes July 25,2024 )
epub |eng | 2018-11-05 | Author:Jim McCann [McCann, Jim]

Six As a child, Arthur dreamt of Atlantis, imagining a place of wonder and, most important, his mother. As an adult, Atlantis plagued his nightmares, a twisted and corrupted undersea ...
( Category: Superheroes July 25,2024 )
mobi |eng | 2020-09-12 | Author:Paul Cude [Cude, Paul]

32 Evening The Odds “You need to show me where the crystal node is, and quickly. There’s something I have to do.” “We know,” responded the impressive laminium ball captain, ...
( Category: Fantasy & Magic July 25,2024 )
epub |eng | 2018-12-11 | Author:Heather Hayes [Hayes, Heather]

Chapter 19 Greggory starts off on the main road, but as soon as he gets the chance to turn off onto a country road, he does. The peace officer just ...
( Category: Dystopian July 25,2024 )
epub |eng | | Author:Tommy Donbavand

( Category: Spine-Chilling Horror July 25,2024 )
epub |eng | | Author:Jennifer Bell

( Category: Fantasy & Magic July 25,2024 )
epub |eng | 2019-10-30 | Author:G. L. Rathweg [Rathweg, G. L.]

SUMMON SKILL: ICE CREATURE (Level – 5) – By using ones Affinity Power and after having struck a contract with the King of the Ice Affinity, the user may summon ...
( Category: Dystopian July 25,2024 )
epub |eng | 2017-07-15 | Author:Frida Nilsson

27 The Shops in Seglen My heart ached as I left Einar. He wasn’t the same boy he’d been during those days in the shed when the two of us ...
( Category: Fantasy & Magic July 25,2024 )
epub |eng | 2020-02-17 | Author:James Patterson [Patterson, James/Tebbetts, Chris]

HOMe SWeeT HOMe Everyone was cheering now. Gregory and Mikayla hoisted me on their shoulders. They carried me back around to the front, where Hailey was just coming to find ...
( Category: Robots July 25,2024 )
epub |eng | 2022-10-04 | Author:Andres Miedoso

And Ohdor did! He brought his club down three times. WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! But each time, Zax just smiled back at him the way only ghosts can do. “See?” Zax ...
( Category: Spine-Chilling Horror July 25,2024 )
epub |eng | 2022-08-23 | Author:Jack Henseleit

10 A NERVOUS WRECK THE REEF WAS MUCH LARGER THAN ANNA HAD first thought. The outcrop where she had woken up had been relatively close to the surface; now she ...
( Category: Spine-Chilling Horror July 25,2024 )
epub |eng | 2022-02-10 | Author:Jessica Khoury [Khoury, Jessica]

The flight back to Khadreen passed in a blur for Ellie. If it weren’t for Nox and Gussie supporting her, she knew she would never have made it. Pain consumed ...
( Category: Spine-Chilling Horror July 25,2024 )
epub |eng | 2022-02-22 | Author:Lisa McMann [McMann, Lisa]

A BIT OF A PROBLEM Soon the food came. “Enjoy,” the server at Cosimo’s said. He set down a large plate of brisket hash between them, then two separate smaller ...
( Category: Superheroes July 25,2024 )
epub |eng | 2018-09-29 | Author:Dave Rudden [Rudden, Dave]

Now First, the alarum-globes. They drift through the atmosphere like jellyfish, a shoal of silver spheres, each one laced with awareness nodes and detection fronds. Deceptively aimless, they gently collide, ...
( Category: Time Travel July 25,2024 )