Written by Christine Pope

Written by Christine Pope

Author:Christine Pope [Pope, Christine]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Amazon: B0CVVDD63N
Goodreads: 208824125
Publisher: Dark Valentine Press
Published: 2024-05-28T23:00:00+00:00

Strange how they could be so normal with each other, as if nothing in particular had happened between them. But Rowan reflected that was the way these things usually went — you went on a date that got hotter and heavier than you’d imagined, and then you woke up at his apartment and had coffee and went out to breakfast, and acted as though everything hadn’t suddenly shifted overnight.

Except she knew no one had made her react the way James had the night before…and she kind of doubted anyone else ever would.

Which meant, she supposed, that she should thank the Castle for the way it had sheltered her over the past four years, and head off with James Aguilar to make a new life in Los Alamos.

Most people would argue it was stupid to stay here alone, even if it turned out that she and James didn’t have a love for the ages after all.

To be honest, she didn’t know what to think, except that the mere sight of him made her breath catch, and she felt easier and more herself with him than she had with anyone she’d ever known. Despite that, she had to believe it was way too soon to consider herself in love with him.

No one fell in love that fast, right?

In lust, sure. Last night’s lovemaking had been incredibly satisfying, but she still craved more. She guessed the reason why James hadn’t initiated anything this morning was that he didn’t want to wake her. Whether it had been the cushy sleeping bag beneath her or the release those earthshaking orgasms had provided, Rowan wasn’t sure, but she knew she’d slept like the proverbial rock.

As it was, they had a completely normal breakfast of toast and more coffee, and midway through, the lights on the microwave and the oven flared back to life, letting them know the solar power had kicked in.

Which meant she could have a hot shower. The sex had been great, but she really wanted to get cleaned up. In the past, she’d shared morning-after showers with her boyfriends and wouldn’t have been averse to the prospect today…except that the showers on the dorm floors were strictly utilitarian, with barely enough room for one person in their narrow stalls, let alone two.

Well, maybe someday. Of course, that meant she had to allow for the possibility of her and James having an actual future, of them leaving here and going to Los Alamos, where there might or might not be showers roomy enough for two people.

She’d already been entertaining the idea of leaving with him, and yet she still didn’t know quite what she should do. Somehow, it felt like something of a betrayal to leave behind the place that had sheltered her for the past couple of years, even if logic suggested it was the smartest thing to do.

“Do you want to shower first?” she asked him, and he shook his head, even as the corners of his mouth turned up slightly.

“No, you go ahead,” he replied.


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