Willow and the Wolf (Book One) by Kelly Elizabeth

Willow and the Wolf (Book One) by Kelly Elizabeth

Author:Kelly, Elizabeth
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: romance, ghosts, fantasy, paranormal, supernatural, science fiction, shapeshifter, steamy, alternate world, forbidden romance
Publisher: Elizabeth Kelly

“Big plans for tonight, Ava?” Ginger asked.

Ava shook her head. “Unless putting on my pajamas and watching a marathon of ‘The Bachelor’ counts as big plans?”

“It really doesn’t.” Ginger laughed as she sat down at the desk.

“Mr. Marson has been restless all day.” Ava moved her neck from side to side, stretching the tense muscles as Ginger sighed.

“The poor guy. He’s been in the ER for two days now. Why the hell can’t they get him a bed, already?”

“Respiratory keeps saying they don’t have a bed.” Ava shrugged.

“They’re full of shit.” Ginger scoffed. “I’m at the point where I’m going to go up there and find a damn bed for…”

She trailed off, her eyes widening at the person standing behind Ava. “Damn.” She muttered softly as Ava turned.

“Keegan! What are you doing here?” Ava gave the lion shifter a hesitant smile.

Keegan returned her smile, “I was in the neighbourhood. Thought I’d drop by and say hello.”

“Oh. Well, um, hello.” Ava replied.

“Hello, Ava.” He reached out and tugged lightly on a fiery strand of hair that had escaped her braid. “How are you, beautiful?”

“Good.” Ava said nervously. “How are you?”

“Better now that I see you. I’m sorry about the party on Friday night. I didn’t mean for the night to end that way.”

“It’s fine.”

“Hi, I’m Ginger!” Ginger leaned over the desk and held her hand out.

“Hello, Ginger.” Keegan flashed her a panty-melting smile and Ava was almost certain Ginger was about to start drooling. “I’m Keegan.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Keegan.” Ginger held his hand a moment too long before blushing and releasing it.

“You as well.” Keegan replied. “Ava, I was wondering if you’d like to have a drink with me. I know it’s short notice.”

“Oh, well, uh, I’m working so…” Ava trailed off.

“Another time perhaps.” Keegan gave her a look of disappointment.

“Ava, your shift is over.” Ginger chirped.

Ava gave her a pointed look that Ginger ignored. “She was just on her way out the door, actually.”

“That’s great news.” Keegan grinned at her. “Come for a drink with me, Ava.” He coaxed. “I know the perfect place.”

“I kind of have plans tonight and – “

“What plans? Pajamas and bad reality TV aren’t plans.” Ginger interrupted. She smiled at Keegan. “Ava’s just shy. She would love to go for a drink with you.”

“Excellent.” Keegan answered. “Do I need to take you home first to change?” He eyed her blue scrubs.

Ava shook her head. “No, I’ve got a change of clothes here. I just need a minute. Do you want to give me directions and I’ll meet you there?”

“How about we drive together? I can bring you back to the hospital to pick up your car afterward.” Keegan suggested.


“Great! I’m just parked outside. I’ll wait for you by the entrance, alright?” Keegan winked at her as Ava gave him another nervous smile and nodded.

“Good-bye, Ginger. It was a pleasure.” Keegan grinned at the brunette and she giggled softly.

“Bye, Keegan.”

As soon as the lion shifter was out of earshot, Ava glared at Ginger. “What


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