The Long Return by Rose Pearson

The Long Return by Rose Pearson

Author:Rose Pearson
Language: eng
Format: mobi, epub
Publisher: 0
Published: 2019-02-25T22:00:00+00:00

Chapter Twelve

F or what was the first time in a good long while, Jacob St. Leger was sitting in White’s and enjoying a good brandy without even the smallest hint of melancholy in his soul. He had spent a week enjoying Arabella’s company just as often as he could, safe in the knowledge that he soon would be able to declare to the beau monde that he was to make her his wife. The banns would be called and, in four short weeks, they would be man and wife.

Nothing could compare to this.

“Ah, St. Leger!”

“Halesworthy!” Jacob exclaimed, grinning broadly as the gentleman inclined his head. “Good evening to you! How do you fare this fine day?”

“Fine day?” Lord Halesworthy repeated with a grin. “It is near dawn, good sir!” He chuckled as Jacob gestured for him to sit down. “You appear to have had a very good evening yourself, I might add.”

Jacob grinned and told the footman to bring them two brandies. “Indeed,” he said, wishing that he might tell Lord Halesworthy the truth behind his delight. “I find myself freed from the discontent that has plagued me for so many years.”

“Of that, I am very glad,” Lord Halesworthy replied, with a quizzical look. “And you were not gravely injured, I hope?”

Frowning for a moment, Jacob quickly realised what he meant. “Oh, no,” he replied, waving a hand. “A few small cuts and grazes but nothing too bad.” He took the brandies from the waiting footman and set one in front of Lord Halesworthy. “I thank you for your consideration.”

Lord Halesworthy looked a little uncomfortable, his smile sliding from his face. “I fear that my sister fears she made something of a cake of herself that day, old boy,” he said, slowly. “She is most disinclined towards blood, you see.”

Jacob could not help but laugh, recalling just how pale Miss Halesworthy had gone that day. “I could tell,” he replied, leaning back in his seat. “You need not worry, Halesworthy, I do not think any less of her for it.”

Lord Halesworthy looked somewhat relieved. “I am very glad,” he replied, with a quick smile. “Although I must tell you that she is already being courted by another.” His expression again grew tense. “That being said, if you were eager to court her, then…?” His words faded away, leaving Jacob thoroughly confused for a moment. He studied his friend carefully, slowly trying to make sense of what Lord Halesworthy had said. It began to dawn upon him and he shook his head firmly, slapping Lord Halesworthy firmly on the back.

“No, no,” he said, grandly, thinking just how much Arabella would enjoy hearing this tale. “You need not concern yourself in that regard, Halesworthy. Your sister is quite delightful but I do not think that she would do well with the likes of me.”

Lord Halesworthy frowned, his eyes flickering with uncertainty. “What can you mean?”

Jacob shrugged. “I mean simply that I am a man inclined to trips and falls,” he said, with a lop-sided smile.


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