The Lady Smut Book of Dark Desires (An Anthology) by Liz Everly

The Lady Smut Book of Dark Desires (An Anthology) by Liz Everly

Author:Liz Everly
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9780007594504
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
Published: 2014-10-16T15:45:50.869000+00:00



Elizabeth Shore

"Bolt cutters."

Faith Luna held her hand out like a surgeon as her videographer, Cam Rosario, slapped the requested item into her open palm. She closed her fingers around the rubber-gripped handles and glanced around, triple checking that they'd not been spotted. Weed-choked grass stirred in the light breeze. A rusty soda can rolled and clinked along a cracked cement pathway behind them. Apart from that, silence.

"Everyone ready to go?"

"Whenever you are."

She lifted the heavy-duty cutters to the lock, releasing a deep breath to steady her nerves. It wasn't every day that she broke into abandoned psychiatric hospitals, and Faith was well aware that this could land her in jail. Not that it would stop her. She'd get her film made no matter what it took, but it'd be a hell of a lot easier without needing to post bail.

The jaws of the bolt cutter clamped down on the lock as she jammed the handles together, but the damned thing stayed intact. Despite a chill in the late afternoon air, trickles of sweat rolled between her breasts.

"Crap," she muttered, gritting her teeth. "You dirty, no-good, son-of-a —"

Pop! The lock snapped. They were in.

Faith handed the bolt cutters over to the film crew's runner, Kelly Stahl, and then she hauled the thick chain off the fence. Shoving the gate open, she grabbed her bag of gear and led the way, her film crew right behind her.

Racing as quickly as possible while carrying pounds of camera and lighting equipment, they covered the area between the fence and the abandoned hospital in seconds. Faith rounded a corner to one of the side doors. A source she'd interviewed for the film had told her about this specific entrance, saying that once you got through the chain link fence on the hospital's perimeter it was easy enough to get inside the building. The hospital had been abandoned for nearly twenty years and intrepid trespassers had broken several locks long ago. Some of them had been replaced, but not all.

She cast another look around. Still no cops. Approaching the side entrance, she grasped the rusty door handle and turned. It groaned in protest, hinges squealing, as Faith bumped a hip against it and shoved once, twice. Reluctantly, the door swung open.

Her crew was assembled behind her, already setting up for outdoor shots. They had to be as quick as possible, knowing the area was regularly patrolled. Their late afternoon arrival was purposefully orchestrated to give them enough light for filming but not so much that they'd be easily spotted. Still, time was tight. Faith cocked her head toward Dana Stewart, her lighting assistant.


"Yep. We've got everything."

Alongside the building, Tyler and Cam had their camera hooked up to the battery packs and were ready to start shooting.

"Hey guys, gather 'round. We need a quick huddle before we get started." Faith crooked an arm to call them toward her, like a shepherd gathering her flock. They stepped forward into a semi-circle around her as she faced them on the steps before the door.


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