The Knight of Redmond by Jennifer Clark

The Knight of Redmond by Jennifer Clark

Author:Jennifer Clark
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: medieval, clean, fiction, romance, historical romance, action, knight, lord, castle, chivalry, dungeon, witch, birthmark, sca, purple, sword, cloak, sword fighting, disfunctional family, rival, kingdoms, england, throne, game of thrones, renaissance, secret, murder, king, queen, prince, princess, redmond, burbank, assassin, ostracize, stocked, mormon, lds
Publisher: Covenant Communications, Inc.
Published: 2013-04-26T00:00:00+00:00


This is uncomfortable for me—I am not used to these feelings. I find myself looking for reasons to dislike him, but he gives me nothing. He is always the gentleman.

It was warm—a little too warm. But it wasn’t the weather or being in the confines of the carriage; it was something else. Wren sat next to Lily, wearing his tall, black, polished boots and a form-fitting waistcoat. Lily breathed in the faint smell of leather and spice water and tried not to concentrate on Wren’s close proximity. She stared at her hands resting in her lap and hoped that she wouldn’t leave damp marks on Moira’s dress.

She hadn’t brought a suitable gown to attend church in, so Moira had been nice enough to lend her one, with the excuse that she hadn’t been able to wear it for months and that it would still be some time before she could fit into it comfortably.

Lily could see why. Even on her, the dress was form fitting—tight to the waist—and then flared out full. Although it covered her modestly, Lily still felt like she was exposing herself. She wasn’t used to wearing clothes that accentuated her figure. The gown was elegant: a deep green with silk trim and long, hanging sleeves with elaborately embroidered designs. Moira had insisted that Lily leave her cloak behind but had lent her a veiled cap and a beautifully crafted gold necklace that would divert everyone’s attention away from her birthmark. But Lily wasn’t sure she wanted people’s attention drawn to where the necklace hung.

Lily glanced at Wren. He was watching her again, and when their eyes met she looked away. She wished she could tell what he was thinking. There were times when he would hold her gaze longer than needed, and sometimes, when a bump in the road threw them together, his hand would inadvertently touch hers. But it could all mean nothing. He had not asked to hold her hand; he had only touched it once in a while. She wished that he would say something about the kiss, even if only to admit that it was a mistake and that he was only interested in her as a recruit. That would be better—safer. Then she wouldn’t have to worry about her own feelings stirring inside.

“There.” Wren softly nudged her as he pointed out the window. “We’ve arrived.”

Bells began to ring, as if to welcome them, and Lily peered out the window at the all-consuming view of the church. It was nothing comparable to the tiny parish on Berdain Manor. This had to be the largest building in Cotsfield. Prominent stained glass windows, like eyes, looked out from the pious edifice, as if God Himself were watching her. Her gaze traced over the lofty, arched roof and up to the daunting bell tower that loomed over them and drew her attention skyward.

Lily edged back in her seat as the carriage turned in front of the church, and she found herself bumping into Wren within the close quarters of the carriage.


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