The Harpy and the Dragon by Marie Lipscomb

The Harpy and the Dragon by Marie Lipscomb

Author:Marie Lipscomb [Lipscomb, Marie]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Marie Lipscomb



The fur and fire kept the cave warm, but Annora was far from comfortable. She lay with her back to Henry, the campfire cracking and popping between them, answering the call of the burning ache raging inside her.

She wanted him, wanted his hands on her, his mouth, his cock. She wanted the comfort of his words and the way he gazed upon her.

Most of all, she wanted him close.

But he was wrong for her, she knew that with absolute certainty, and she would not apologize for saying so. Better to push him away than to find herself completely besotted and unable to be without him.

Annora tightened her arms around herself and closed her eyes. Pain radiated everywhere, from her blistered toes to the dull throb at the crown of her head. She ached inside and out, but she would not give in. No matter how she craved him, no matter how her body betrayed her, or clung to the fading memories of sensation; his lips on her throat, his hands about her waist, his big, irresistible, infuriating body pressed tight against hers.

She would not think of it. Not a moment longer.

It was a mere trifle that the heat of every one of the Dragon’s kisses were burned into her flesh like a white-hot branding iron. She endured the heat.

And yet, despite her exhaustion, sleep evaded her. The firelight flickered above the enlarged shadow of her body on the jagged stone walls of the cave. The hollow clunk of Henry adding more wood to the fire told her he had taken on the burden of lookout, but there seemed little sense in them both staying awake. She rolled over, commanding herself not to look at him. She would not let herself fall into his trap.

His clothes were laid out beside hers, drying on the warm rocks, so he reclined, still naked, the light dancing over his frame. Every curve of his body made her chest ache harder, the sight of his large, hairy body igniting some inconvenient primal urge in the pit of her stomach.

But he was still an insufferable ass. And she certainly would not look.

Annora cleared her throat and tried to keep her eyes above his shoulders.

“I can’t sleep,” she said. “I’ll keep watch if you want to try to rest.”

He shook his head. “I don’t sleep much. Not since…” He dipped his head and let loose a heavy sigh, twirling a bent splinter of wood between his thumb and forefinger. “The guards liked to keep me awake in the cell. They threw freezing water on me whenever they caught me sleeping. Eventually my exhaustion won out and I learned to sleep in scraps.”

Pity sat heavy on her chest as she pulled herself up to sit cross-legged. She sucked in a breath as the pain of her wounds flared across her skin. “I’m sorry.”

His eyes met hers across the flames, fanning the desire to move closer in the pit of her belly. He shook his head. “No need. I’m happy to keep watch whilst you try to rest.


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