The Companion of His Future Life by Caldwell Jack

The Companion of His Future Life by Caldwell Jack

Author:Caldwell, Jack [Caldwell, Jack]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: White Soup Press
Published: 2014-01-10T13:00:00+00:00

Chapter 10: Tea at Pemberley

The Bennet girls had determined that Mr. Darcy would bring his sister to visit two days hence. But their conclusion was false, for the very next morning, visitors came. The sisters had been walking about the place with some of their new friends and just returned to the inn when the sound of the parlor-maid knocking on the door announced visitors.

“Mr. and Miss Darcy to see you, sir.”

Miss Darcy and her brother appeared, and the introductions were made. Elizabeth was astonished to see that her new acquaintance seemed just as embarrassed as they were. She had been told by Wickham that Miss Darcy was exceedingly proud, but the observation of a very few minutes convinced Elizabeth that she was only exceedingly shy. Like her brother!

Miss Darcy was taller than Elizabeth, and though little more than sixteen, her figure was well formed, her appearance womanly and graceful. Her countenance reflected sense and good humor, and her manners were perfectly unassuming and gentle. Elizabeth, who had expected to find in her as acute and unembarrassed an observer as Mr. Darcy, was much relieved by discerning different feelings.

Their conversation was interrupted by Mr. Darcy. He spoke to Mr. Gardiner, but his eyes were on Jane. “My friend, Mr. Bingley, waits outside and wishes to visit. May I bring him in?”

Mr. Gardiner looked at his niece, and even though her color was high, he granted permission.

Elizabeth saw that Jane was in a quandary. Her sister had only just steeled herself for meeting Mr. Bingley at some undetermined point in the future, but now that time was at hand. How Elizabeth stopped from clutching Jane’s hand in support she did not know. To her relief, when Bingley walked in a moment later, Jane was able to return his greeting with civility.

Bingley’s features and manners were all that she remembered, but there seemed a reserve that was new to him. When he glanced at her, Elizabeth could see a ghost of pain that seemed to darken his blue eyes.

“I am very surprised to see you here, Miss Bennet,” Bingley said, “but glad, too. Was your journey enjoyable?”

“It was, sir. I had not had much chance to see the world, and my uncle was very kind to take us. Derbyshire is lovely.”

“It is a pretty country, but there are many lovely spots in Britain. I have found Hertfordshire much to my liking.”

“Indeed, sir? I should not disagree with you, as I have lived there all my life. Do you plan to stay at Netherfield?”

“Yes, I do. The place suits me, I think. I have begun improvements to it, you know.”

She did not, and confessed her ignorance.

“Oh, yes. The property is very good but has lacked serious management. Fortunately, the new steward and I are of like minds about what needs to be done. Take the pastureland…”

Elizabeth, conversing with the charmingly modest Georgiana, allowed herself to steal a glance at the others from time to time. She was relieved that Jane and Bingley could


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