The Call by Amber Lynn

The Call by Amber Lynn

Author:Amber Lynn
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: 'romance, destiny, werewolf, soulmates'
Publisher: Amber Lynn

Chapter Thirteen

We stayed there for another hour. My dreams of prolonging the outing were dashed when I realized I hated small talk, and that was what the conversation fell into when I decided I didn’t want to answer any questions.

I really did need to learn to be patient, but I didn’t have the time it took to figure that out. My mind was busy making sure the girls stayed out of trouble and trying to keep Paul from causing his own death. I didn’t care how laid back a wolf was, if they felt threatened, they attacked.

Paul did his best not to act possessive. We spent parts of each day after the truth all came out talking about how dangerous that could be for him. As someone who always considered himself an alpha, it was difficult for him to realize someone else had more power than he did.

“He thinks about you constantly, sometimes the girls join you, but for the most part you’re always on his mind.”

A few hours had gone by, and the girls were finally tired. We’d spent the time between the lake and early evening listening to Sierra ask every question she could think of, some resulted in interesting answers, but for the most part she kept things simple. Eventually she started yawning and Paul had taken both girls up to bed.

“I can tell when I look in his eyes, which is one of the reasons I’ve tried not to do that lately.”

I’d ventured out to a balcony off the living room. I knew he’d follow, so I stood as far away from the entrance as I could.

“I don’t think I’ve heard anyone say love is easy. Knowing how fervently you’ve loved him gives me hope. I believe Paul’s going to stay up with the girls so we can talk.”

“How accommodating of him. I’m sure he’s been dying to hear your plans all day.”

It was a miracle that the subject hadn’t turned to future plans more often. I’d heard enough about keeping things quiet that I didn’t really care about final decisions. I just wanted to have an uncomplicated life, even after I’d screwed that up by being born complicated.

“Life wouldn’t be complicated if you accepted who you were, Nikki. I admit that would’ve been difficult for you when you didn’t understand who and what you are, but now that you do, you need to let all the hatred you feel go.”

“You want me to accept the fact that I’m a monster?” I kept focused on the gardens below us as I whispered my reply, ignoring a rumble from his chest. “I struggle everyday with the fact that I’ve passed down the affliction to the girls.”

I felt him move, the rapid whooshing of air around him as he advanced. He stopped short of reaching out to me, but I was sure he wanted to.

“I’ve arrested and dealt with murderers and rapists the last three years, don’t you dare call yourself a monster. If I thought you meant that the same way I interpret the word, I’d show you what a monster looks like.


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