The Baby Magnet by Terry Essig

The Baby Magnet by Terry Essig

Author:Terry Essig
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Harlequin
Published: 2013-10-14T16:00:00+00:00

Chapter Seven

“There’s only one thing to do,” Luke informed Marie grimly.

Marie held up a defensive hand. “I’m not getting rid of it,” she warned him. “I don’t know how I’m going to handle everything just yet.” That was the understatement of the year. “But everything will come out okay in the wash, just see if it doesn’t.” Dear God, please let it come out in the wash, she pleaded.

Marie needed calming down. So did Luke, but first things first. “Of course everything’s going to be okay. And I wasn’t going to suggest aborting the little tike. You should know me better than that.”

“I barely know you at all.”

She would, she certainly would before too much longer. Luke made a placating gesture. “Now, you need to calm down. Getting all upset can’t be good for the baby. He’ll be born with a permanent startle reflex. No point in having a nervous breakdown over what you can’t change.” Good advice. He ought to listen to it himself.

“God never sends more than you can bear,” Marie informed him as though she were reciting catechism.

“And He never shuts a door without opening a window,” Luke repeated dutifully.

Marie pointed a finger at him. “Exactly.” She started pacing the length of the room. “We may not understand the why of it, but that’s not important. What counts is that you play out the cards life deals. You can’t give up and fold.”

Luke rolled his eyes as Marie continued to roll out one cliché after another. Good grief.

“I’ll tell you one thing,” Marie announced as she pivoted and began her umpteenth trip across the living room.

“What’s that?” Luke asked, humoring her.

“I’ve handled things so far and believe you me, there are an inordinate amount of jokers in the deck the fates have been dealing from lately.”

Tell me about it, Luke thought, but wisely kept his mouth shut.

“But I’ve handled things just fine. Just fine. And I’ll continue to handle any other…whatever life sees fit to throw my way, see if I don’t.”

It was the whatever part that had him worried. Luke was still reeling from the last few blows fate had dealt him recently. He hated to think what else might be in store. In fact, Luke refused to ponder it at all. Here and now was enough. Sufficient unto the day are the troubles…whatever. Anyway, he’d take care of today and worry about tomorrow when tomorrow came.

“Fine. We’ll play out what we’ve been dealt. We’ll get married. That ought to trump fate’s high cards. I’ll check into things and see how quickly we can accomplish it.” Luke told himself it was a magnanimous offer and he assumed Marie would appreciate his generosity.

“You’ve got to go with the flow in life,” Marie continued. “If you don’t bend, you’ll br—What?”

“I said we’ll get married.” And every night he would do his best be a husband to her in every way. Lord, he was depraved. All right, so it wouldn’t be such a sacrifice to sleep with Marie. Did


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