That Sinking Feeling - Midlife's A Beach Series: Paranormal Women's Fiction - Book Four by M L Briers

That Sinking Feeling - Midlife's A Beach Series: Paranormal Women's Fiction - Book Four by M L Briers

Author:M L Briers [Briers, M L]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2024-01-26T00:00:00+00:00


“Heard you got him right in the nuts,” Hope said to Faith in passing as she walked to the bar.

“Yeah, apparently, cos I’m me,” Faith replied, waiting for the recrimination and hypocrisy from Hope.

“Good for you,” Hope said. “All power to the great leveller, the knee.”

Faith chuckled to herself. “Fair enough,” she said, almost running into Lex as he exited the kitchen like a bat outta hell.

“And stay out!” Dani called after him.

Faith pulled up sharply and offered him a smile of amusement. “Ooo, you are in trouble, and if you’re in trouble with Dani, you must have done something bad.”

Lex looked agitated. “It’s nothing I did, more what I said,” he informed her, and when she raised her eyebrows, questioning him, he caved. “About you and being a witch, but without the W.”

Faith’s lips parted, and her first reaction was to hit him again right where it hurt, but she remembered that she might need his help and decided against it. “No woman likes the B word,” she informed him.

“I’m about five years out of date with that, I admit,” he said, holding his hands up in mock surrender, before remembering that Faith liked to go for the balls and switching places, covering his family jewels. “I must do better with keeping up with the times.”

“Well, you’ve stopped saying wench and tavern, so there is hope,” Faith said, hooking her finger at him. “Come look at my shipwreck and tell me what you see.”

Lex folded his arms and straightened as best he could. His balls still had a residue of pain, but he made it work. “Ah-ha, the nice side of Faith.”


“When you want something,” Lex said.

“I want nothing,” Faith said. “But a second opinion, but there are other people I can show…”

“Nope, I’m good; I just like to know which side of Faith I am dealing with at any given moment.”


“But, true,” Lex said.

Faith allowed a wicked little grin to take her lips. “You make it sound like I have multiple personalities in my head.”

“Don’t you?” Lex asked.

“I don’t know, I can’t decide; let me ask one of my imaginary friends,” Faith said, tapping her temple.

“Ha!” Lex said. “Very good. Go ahead, show me the ship.”

Faith grinned a victory smile. “I knew you’d see it my way eventually,” she said, giggling.

“How could I not?” Lex said, watching her turn and bringing his hands up to the back of her neck, revelling in playing out wringing it. He did a double-take when True stared at him long and hard before cocking an eyebrow at him. Lex sneered, and True had to chuckle.

“We’ve all been there,” she muttered low enough for only the vampire to hear.


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