Hunted Bride by Viola Grace

Hunted Bride by Viola Grace

Author:Viola Grace [Grace, Viola]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: family, hotel, wedding, mf, ogre, kijin, courthship
Published: 0101-01-01T00:00:00+00:00

Nari had a tray with water and sports drinks and set it next to the bed so she could turn down the bed. Jiji supervised the whole procedure. Minoru carried Polly into the bathroom to help her get naked and take a shower before drying her and wrapping her in a sleeping robe.

She took a few steps toward the bedroom and jerked toward the doorframe as her muscles spasmed.

He caught her and lifted her. “You are starting quickly. I am going to have to get that dose analyzed.”

She swallowed. “Sorry for the fuss.”

“You did what you had to do to keep things going when Loki needed his assistant to take over. The suppressors were not the most clever move, but I understand that the pheromones clogged your senses.”

He knelt and set her down on the bed. “Do you need something to drink?”

“Probably.” She reached for the sports drink and fought to open the cap. He popped the cap for her, and Jiji climbed on her lap, meowing.

She slugged back half the bottle and set it back on the tray.

He smiled. “Your tongue is blue.”

She shrugged and rubbed her head along Jiji’s. “I don’t doubt it. I feel jittery and don’t know if I am going to be able to rest.”

“Jiji will come to get me if you need help, or you can call out. Watch cartoons on your phone. You will be asleep in no time.”

She nodded. “Right. I will try to get some rest.”

He smiled and caressed her hair. “Relax and get better. I am just a call away.”

She nodded and settled on the bed, pulling the covers up and over her shoulder with Jiji curling up next to her shoulder.

She watched Minoru take the packet of pills out of her purse, and then he stood straight and left her alone. She pretended that she was at her house and everything was familiar. At that point, she closed her eyes and tried to sleep.


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