Greyback Gold: A Maggie Edwards Adventure (Maggie Edwards Adventures Book 4) by Nellie H. Steele

Greyback Gold: A Maggie Edwards Adventure (Maggie Edwards Adventures Book 4) by Nellie H. Steele

Author:Nellie H. Steele [Steele, Nellie H.]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: A Novel Idea Publishing, LLC
Published: 2023-09-18T16:00:00+00:00


“Which way?” she spat at her captor as she reached the top of the stairs.

The man shoved open the first door on the right and waved her inside. She stepped into a posh bedroom and scanned it for a door leading to the bathroom.

“Over there. Don’t be too long,” Jones grunted as he pointed across the room.

Maggie followed the line of his finger, finding an open door leading to a dark space. She hurried toward it, snaking an arm around the jamb to feel for a light. Her fingers hit the switch, and she flipped it, flooding the bathroom with a warm, yellow glow.

She stepped inside and started to close the door. It caught midway through her swing. She glanced back, finding a meaty hand wrapped around the edge.

“I don’t think so,” Jones said.

“Are you kidding?”

“Nope. Door stays open.”

Maggie let go of the handle and crossed her arms, offering the man an unimpressed stare. “Now I’m the one who doesn’t think so.”

Jones didn’t budge.

“I’m not going to the bathroom with you watching me.”

“And I’m not letting you out of my sight.”

“Fine,” Maggie said, balling her hands into fists. “Turn around.”

“Uh-uh,” Jones said with a shake of his head.

Maggie’s eyes went wide. She pressed her lips together and tried to dart past Jones. “Bryson!”

“Boss isn’t going to help you. He’s busy, and he already told you to do what you were told.”

“By him, not by you,” Maggie said, poking a finger at the man’s chest. “I’m sure he’d agree a little privacy is warranted.”

Jones narrowed his eyes at her. “Door stays open. Don’t even think of trying anything.” He spun, placing his back to her and blocking her exit.

Maggie heaved a sigh at the small win, swiveling to scan the bathroom for any way of escaping or a weapon. She found nothing. She crossed to the toilet at the far end of the room, hoping to find a window, but only a solid wall met her.

No way out. She licked her lips as her heart thudded in her chest.

“You done yet?”

“No! I haven’t even started. Look, I can’t go with you listening to me. It’s gross and weird.”

“Too bad. Try harder.”

“I can’t. Can you just stand over at the door to the room? Please?”

“Nope. Turn on the water.”

Maggie wrinkled her nose at him before she stalked to the sink and turned both handles on full blast. She tugged open the doors below the marble top and scanned the contents. A spray bottle of cleaner, a toilet brush, and a plunger sat inside.

“Gotta make do,” she murmured to herself, grabbing the cleaner in one hand and plunger in the other.

“Hurry it up,” Jones said as she tiptoed closer to him.

“Oh, I’m ready,” she said.

She lifted the plunger and swung down hard, cracking him in the head as he twisted to face her. He cried out as the wood handle cracked him in the head. She squeezed the spray bottle, sending a stream of cleaner at his face. Another cry escaped him as he stumbled back a step, rubbing at his eyes and temporarily blinded.


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