Enchanted Legacy by Dawn Brower & Amanda Mariel

Enchanted Legacy by Dawn Brower & Amanda Mariel

Author:Dawn Brower & Amanda Mariel [Brower, Dawn & Mariel, Amanda]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Dawn Brower


Moire studied the chessboard, her brows knitted together in concentration. Nearly a fortnight had passed since Mr. Astley’s first visit, and he’d called on her every day thereafter. The second time he came to call was so they could finish the chess game they’d started the previous day. When the game concluded in a draw, he insisted on a rematch. That game turned into best of three, and after several more draws, they now found themselves tied.

If either of them won this game, he’d have no cause to call on her again. Part of her wished for another draw. She’d come to think of him as a friend and enjoyed his attentions. At the same time, her competitive side wished to best him, while her reasonable side knew she needed to guard her heart. Though she counted him a friend, she could not fool herself into believing him harmless. Moreso because she found herself attracted to him.

With a heavy heart and conflicted mind, she strategically moved her queen. Two more turns and she’d win the game. She’d played chess enough to foresee what would happen. There were only so many ways Thomas could move his remaining pieces, and regardless of the choices he made, she’d be able to corner his king.

She looked across the table. “Yer move.”

Thomas quit studying the board long enough to offer a grin.

Moire swallowed back her regret, then returned his smile. She would miss him when he stopped coming 'round to see her. They’d developed an easy friendship. Unlike any she’d had before or would likely have again. All the same, she sensed something more between them—something deeper and far more dangerous. She could not allow herself to fall for the man, nor could she string him along.

She’d recovered from her injury days prior. Her ankle no longer hindered her in any way. He had no further obligation to her—not that she’d ever believed he did in the first placed. Lili’s wedding would most likely be the last time she’d see him. After the nuptials, Thomas would be gone from her life forever. He had to be. And until then, she’d simply refuse to see him. No other choice would suit.

Resolved to end their acquaintance, Moire slid her king into position. One more move and she’d have him cornered. She stared at Mr. Astley, “Check.”

“Not so fast.” He moved his king.

She furrowed her brow. How had she not seen that possibility? Castling was a common move, one she was very familiar with, as she often used it to her own advantage. With haste, she moved her queen in an attempt to force his king back.

He moved his king forward, a satisfied grin stretching his full lips. “Checkmate,” Mr. Astley said. “And now you owe me a forfeit.”

When she caught his gaze, his green eyes sparkled with mischief and she could not help but laugh. “Oh do I?”

“Indeed, you do.” His smile broadened. “The loser always pays a forfeit.”

“Very well, Mr. Astley, what do ye wish of me?”

“Call me Thomas,” he leaned forward, “and tell me how you came to save my life.


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