Eden Quest- a Dane Maddock Adventure by David Wood

Eden Quest- a Dane Maddock Adventure by David Wood

Author:David Wood [Wood, David]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: action, Adventure, Mystery, thriller, history, legend, garden of eden, pulp adventure thriller, alexander the great, archaeological adventure
Publisher: David Wood
Published: 2022-05-31T06:00:00+00:00


The Cathedral of St. Mark stood a short distance from the waterfront in the center of what had once been ancient Alexandria. It was built in the Coptic style, blending Egyptian building traditions and materials with Graeco-Roman and Christian Byzantine motifs. At the entrance, six white columns supported a sandstone arch surmounted by a cross. A pair of minarets—small narrow towers, loomed above. It was smaller than Maddock had expected but elegant in its simplicity.

“We’re sure this is the place?” Spenser asked, looking around at the buildings that surrounded them. The city had closed in on all sides of the ancient church. Now it was flanked by a seminary on one side and residential buildings on the other.

“According to Jimmy’s calculation, this is where the shadows of Cleopatra’s Needles would have pointed,” Maddock said. “And it was customary practice for the early Christians to not only absorb Pagan holidays into their worship, but to build places of worship on sites Pagans already held sacred.”

Spenser nodded doubtfully. She looked like she wanted to say more, but just then, three young women, a blonde, a brunette, and a redhead, approached.

“You’re Spenser Saroyan!” the brunette exclaimed. “We love your travel vids. Can we get a pic with you?”

Spenser posed with each of the young women in turn. Grizzly, who appeared miffed at not having been recognized, assumed camera duty. He had just finished the blonde suddenly cocked her head to the side and gaped.

“It’s you!” she said.

“It’s me,” Grizzly said, grinning.

“Not you.” She brushed past the television presenter and stalked toward a sheepish-looking Bones, anger burning in her big green eyes. “I’m talking about this jerk. We spent a wonderful night together in Peru and he never called me again.”

“If I had a dollar for every time I heard that,” Maddock whispered to Spenser.

“Sorry,” Bones said. “I travel a lot. How have you been?”

“Like you care.” She thrust out her lower lip. “You owe me dinner. Are you free tonight?”

“Sorry, but I can’t. We’re working.”

“You’re on a treasure hunt? What are you looking for? Is it somewhere in the church?”

“Keep your voice down,” Bones said. “I’m in a competitive business. Somebody might be spying on us right now.”

“I’ll keep quiet if you’ll promise to call me later.”

“Deal. Give me your number.”

“You already have it.” Her eyebrows shot up. “Hold on. Do you even remember my name?”

“I’m really bad with names,” Bones admitted.

“It’s Carly.”

“Right!” Bones smiled. “I remember now. You have a birthmark on your...”

Carly slapped him. Not hard, but sharply enough to shut him up.

“On second thought, don’t call me.” With that, she turned on her heel and stalked away. Her friends followed, casting baleful stares at the tall man as they walked away.

“What do I look like to her, an Oscar’s host?” Bones complained, rubbing his cheek.

They climbed the steps and passed through the double doors and into the cathedral. Maddock noticed that some visitors paused to kiss the door before they entered. They were greeted by a pair of brightly-colored mosaics—one depicting Mary, the other Saint Mark.


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