Down and Out in Kathmandu by Jennifer S. Alderson

Down and Out in Kathmandu by Jennifer S. Alderson

Author:Jennifer S. Alderson
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: thriller, amateur sleuth, travel fiction, backpacker, mystery action, women adventure, mystery abroad, backpacking adventure, humor thriller, travel international adventure
Publisher: Jennifer S. Alderson

Chapter Nineteen

“Hey, it’s The Greek!” Tommy yelled automatically, immediately regretting his choice of words. Luckily the singular guest on the hibiscus-lined terrace – a deeply tanned man wearing a silk shirt and shorts – only flinched slightly, but otherwise showed no sign of recognition. He seemed to be engrossed in a local newspaper, designer sunglasses holding back his long, dark wavy hair.

As Tommy weaved through the tables, he called out again, “Hey Harim! How are you doing?”

The man’s chiseled jaw contracted slightly as Tommy approached his table. He glanced again at the front page, smiling as he closed up the newspaper and folded it in half, carefully placing it on the edge of the table. Tommy gulped when he saw the headline on the front page. Another dead tourist found in a container ship that had departed from Bangkok Port only two weeks ago. Was that why Harim was smiling? He had once hinted how he took care of those who dared cheat him, but Tommy was still not sure whether Harim had been boasting or making empty threats. He never wanted to find out.

“I’m doing fine, and yourself?” Harim said. His deep voice still held traces of a faint Mediterranean accent.

“Good, man. Great, actually. You know me, right?” Tommy replied, careful to keep his carefree attitude in place and not think about what Harim would do to him if he ever found out what he was planning.

Harim chuckled.

Tommy grinned broadly. “Mind if I join you?”

The older man pointed at the chair across from him. “Please, sit.”

“So how are you doing? Just chilling in your penthouse? Or do you, like, go on vacation now and then?”

“I enjoy myself, don’t you worry. The more important question is, how are you doing? Are you still enjoying being in sunny Thailand instead of shivering your balls off in Toronto?”

“You betcha. This beats a Canadian winter any day. My friends would be really jealous if they could see me now!”

“Didn’t you say a few of your friends were coming to visit, last time we talked?”

“Sure, of course. The whole gang’s been out to see me,” Tommy lied without blinking an eye. Since he’d fled Canada, none of his so-called friends or family had bothered to email or call, let alone visit. “I meant the last place. Man, that villa on Princess Beach was the bomb! Gorgeous girls everywhere, I tell you what.”

“Excellent.” Harim grinned broadly, exposing model-perfect teeth. “Glad to hear you’re still enjoying the good life.” The smile dropped as the crackle of branches disturbed their conversation. Something or someone was rustling around in the shrubbery behind them. Harim tensed up, twisting automatically towards the source of the noise. Two broad men in Hawaiian shirts appeared from behind the bushes, drinks in hand. Harim’s left eyebrow shot up.

One of the men called out, “Dropped my sunglasses in the hedge.”

Harim relaxed visibly and turned back to Tommy, as if nothing had happened. “Are you going back to Krabi, after your next run?”

“Naw. I mean, it was going great until these sorority bitches showed up.


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