Broken Billionaire Boss: The Wicked Billionaires Club - Book 2 by Laura Quinn

Broken Billionaire Boss: The Wicked Billionaires Club - Book 2 by Laura Quinn

Author:Laura Quinn [Quinn, Laura]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: anonymous
Published: 2023-06-23T16:00:00+00:00

Chapter twelve


This is not going according to plan.

I was supposed to seduce Rachel, make her fall madly in love with me, and then dump her gold-digging ass. I wasn’t supposed to be completely blown away by the experience. Sex was just supposed to be sex, not that. And my goddamned feelings sure as hell weren’t supposed to come pouring out.

I love you, Rachel.

Did those sugary words really roll out of my mouth like some lovesick schoolboy after getting laid for the first time? I’m supposed to be in control, clearheaded and logical. Yet I can barely concentrate in the deployment kick-off meeting. I keep reliving every heated touch, the taste of her kiss, and every deep, body rocking stroke. Rachel felt fucking incredible, even better than when we were inexperienced teens. I wanted to get lost in her, remain joined with her forever. I wanted to brand her body with mine, emblazon myself on her heart and mind as indelibly as she has on mine. I want the future we were supposed to have.

I have to stick to the plan.

After the kick-off meeting, Parker pulls me aside and asks what went down with Rachel. He says he can see it written all over my face. I tell him Ifucked her, hoping that the truth isn’t oozing out my pores—I made mad passionate love to her and I’m afraid I’m in over my head.

He’d never understand. After seeing how brutally crushed I was when he met me in college, he’s wholeheartedly rooting for my revenge plan. He wants to see Rachel as broken and devastated as I was.

That’s the plan and I’m going to stick to it! That’s the mantra I repeat until I finally quit the office at 12:03 a.m.

So, then what the hell am I doing in Rachel’s bed?

Instead of driving home to my empty penthouse suite, I dialed Rachel’s number.

My heart soared when she answered on the first ring, sounding excited to hear from me despite the hour.

“I told you’d I call first thing in the morning,” I said, letting that linger.

“A little early for breakfast, but I’d really like the company if you’d like to come over.”

“Be there in twenty minutes.”

So, here I lie, once again, warm and naked at Rachel’s side. She’s fast asleep after I wore her out again. Her body is a drug I can’t get enough of. But now, in the dead of night, all my doubts and fears return to plague me.

Rachel accepted my first marriage proposal while I was a penniless senior in high school, but she obviously had an abrupt change of heart. But I still don’t know why. Maybe her parents or her snooty friends finally convinced her that she could do way better than some loser from the trailer park. She was just seventeen and must have been feeling a ton of pressure. I know this. I’ve rationalized her actions a thousand different ways.

But it doesn’t take away the cruelty of her words or the delivery. She waited until she was on her flight to Paris before the package arrived at our trailer.


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