Bewitched, Body and Soul: Miss Elizabeth Bennet by Dixon P O

Bewitched, Body and Soul: Miss Elizabeth Bennet by Dixon P O

Author:Dixon, P O [Dixon, P O]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2012-05-02T14:00:00+00:00

Lady Gwendolen’s maid had been one tireless truth ferret. The next morning found Sally in her ladyship’s apartment earlier than had been her wont.

“Your ladyship, I have news.”


“Yes, my lady. It turns out your suspicions regarding Miss Elizabeth Bennet are not unfounded.”

“What? I mean to say, how? I thought it might take days, weeks even.”

“As did I, your ladyship. However, it turns out that my cousin, who now works downstairs in the kitchen, recently left Mr. Darcy’s employment at his London home.”

Lady Gwendolen sat upon her bed and folded her legs beneath her in anticipation. “Please, tell me everything. Do not keep me in suspense.”

“First, I confess it took quite a bit of coaxing on my part to persuade my cousin where her loyalties now lie.”

“Of course, I understand, and you need not tell me her name, if that is any assurance.”

“I appreciate it, but I have no concerns in that regard. I assured my cousin she shall suffer no retribution.”

“Excellent. What does your cousin say?”

“It turns out Miss Elizabeth Bennet spent an entire night with Mr. Darcy in his London home—only the two of them, save a few servants.”

Aghast, Lady Gwendolen coloured. “I have befriended a ... a fallen woman. No! This cannot be true.”

“I am afraid it is true, my lady. My cousin carried this burden from the moment of Miss Elizabeth Bennet’s arrival at Latham Hall the other day. You see, she recognised the young lady from having carried a tray up to her ... in the mistress’s suite.”

“I never would have expected to hear anything as scandalous as this. Please, tell no one else of what you heard.”

“I assure you, I shall not repeat a word.”

“Please, help me prepare for the day.” Her ladyship climbed down from her huge poster bed and walked over to her dressing table. “I must speak with my brother. He will know what to do.”

“Yes, your ladyship.”

Sally was rather quiet as she carried out her morning routine. Her ladyship had not enquired on the details of her cousin’s knowledge of her former employer’s affairs and she was glad that she had not. The truth may have cast aspersions on her cousin’s account, possibly resulting in her dismissal from her current position, were it made known that she had left Darcy House in disgrace, terminated for having spoken to other household staff not already privy to the information of Miss Elizabeth Bennet’s being there. Without informing the master, the butler had taken it upon himself to send her on her way. In fact, Sally had been the means of securing her cousin’s place in Latham Hall. She prayed she would not be the means of her removal. Lady Gwendolen promised that would not be the case. Sally took some comfort in that. She trusted her ladyship implicitly. Her promise was as good as gold.


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