A Man for Marley by Unknown

A Man for Marley by Unknown

Language: eng
Format: epub

Chapter Eleven


Marley loved Mondays. She was probably one of the few people in the world who looked forward to working on Monday, but it was her favorite workday of the week. On Mondays, all the college kids were busy recovering from the weekend or going to classes and most of the tourists had gone home. With a few exceptions, Monday night meant just the regulars, and that suited Marley perfectly.

She was leaning against the bar talking to old Tom, one of Seamus’s best friends, when Hunter came down the stairs. Just the sight of him walking into the room with that arrogant grin and swagger in his step was enough to make her pulse race. Marley had always scoffed at women who were attracted to arrogant men. She could never see the attraction in someone who was so full of himself. Until now.

Hunter was full of himself, there was no denying that. She guessed when you drove cars that cost several thousand, if not million, dollars around a little track at high speeds you needed to have a certain amount of self-confidence. She understood why he had it—she had just never expected to find it attractive. Lately, she was discovering an awful lot about herself that she never knew before.

She kept one eye on Hunter while she continued to listen to Tom. Hunter spoke to a customer she hadn’t seen in the bar before which was unusual for a Monday. He looked up and caught her watching him and tossed her a devastatingly sexy grin. Marley felt her face flush and her blood heat. Yeah, she was discovering all sorts of new things about herself.

Like she could become addicted to having a certain arrogant racecar driver around.

Excusing herself from Tom’s ramblings, Marley fled to the storeroom. Addicted? Was she becoming addicted to Hunter? No, she was just enjoying the time she had with him. And why shouldn’t she? They were two unattached, consenting adults who shared a mutual attraction. Why shouldn’t she enjoy spending almost every minute of the day and night with him? Just because Tom teased her about looking at the back door ten or fifteen times didn’t mean she was looking for Hunter.

Who was she kidding? Things were getting way out of hand. She’d been rationalizing her reaction to him all along because he set her glands on fire. Okay, so he wasn’t the superficial playboy she had first taken him for, but he was still going to leave in December. She had to cool things down before she fell even farther.

A little voice in the back of her head warned her it was already too late.

Marley took a deep breath and walked back to the bar with a few bottles of the nearest available liquor. Okay, so they didn’t need any more Peppermint Schnapps but at least it gave her a reason for hiding out in the back room. Hunter had moved next to Tom, laughing at something the old Irishman had said.

“What’s so funny?” Marley asked, storing the bottles under the bar until she could safely tuck them back in the storeroom.


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