British & Irish
epub, azw3 |eng | 2014-07-23 | Author:Rashid Razaq & Hassan Blasim [Razaq, Rashid]

CARLOS: What is funny? LYDIA: You. CARLOS: Why? What I say? LYDIA: Oh. Nothing. It’s my birthday today. CARLOS: Happy Birthday! LYDIA: I’m fifty-s(ix.)…how old are y(ou.)…no. Don’t. It’s refreshing ...
( Category: Theater September 6,2014 )
epub |eng | 2006-09-05 | Author:Tom Stoppard

ACT TWO Blackout and ‘I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For’ by U2. Smash cut to Cambridge. Summer 1987. Garden and interior as before. Night, the interior in near-darkness. ...
( Category: Portraits September 6,2014 )
epub, mobi |eng | 2004-09-05 | Author:Luigi Pirandello & Tom Stoppard

ACT THREE The throne room is dark. The canvasses of the two paintings have been removed, and in their place, inside the frames, are Frida, dressed as “Countess of Tuscany,” ...
( Category: British & Irish September 6,2014 )
epub |eng | 2011-11-10 | Author:W. Somerset Maugham [Maugham, W. Somerset (William Somerset)]

Violet. [Brightly.] You're very gay this afternoon, Arthur. One doesn't often hear you whistle. Arthur. D'you think it's unbecoming to my years or to my dignity? Violet. Shall I give ...
( Category: Satire March 27,2014 )
epub |eng | | Author:William Makepeace Thackeray

* * * II.--GHENT--BRUGES. GHENT. (1840.) The Beguine College or Village is one of the most extraordinary sights that all Europe can show. On the confines of the town of ...
( Category: British & Irish March 27,2014 )
epub |eng | | Author:William Makepeace Thackeray

CHAPTER II . OTTILIA IN PARTICULAR. Some kind critic who peruses these writings will, doubtless, have the goodness to point out that the simile of the Mediterranean heath is applied ...
( Category: British & Irish March 27,2014 )
epub |eng | 2008-10-15 | Author:P. G. Wodehouse [Wodehouse, P. G.]

* Five minutes later Mr. Quhayne was urging his taxidriver to exceed the speed-limit in the direction of Tottenham. Chapter 3 - A Bird's-Eye View of the Situation * Clarence ...
( Category: Humorous March 27,2014 )
epub, mobi | | 2010-06-21 | Author:Pratchett, Terry [Terry, Pratchett,]

‘Does he?’ ‘Yes, sir.’ ‘They’re runnin’ about all over the place, I know that,’ said Ridcully. ‘Yes, Mister Nutt and Mister Likely are preparing a little something extra for the ...
( Category: Humorous March 26,2014 )
epub |eng | 2009-10-14 | Author:Terry Pratchett [Pratchett, Terry]

The next day there was a piece in the Times about the mysterious disappearance of the fabulous ‘Jewels’, which made Glenda smile. They just haven’t read their fairy stories, she ...
( Category: Humorous March 26,2014 )
epub, mobi |eng | 2012-01-24 | Author:W. Somerset Maugham [Maugham, W. Somerset]

XII MY PROMISE to Roy sent my thoughts back to my first years in London. Having nothing much to do that afternoon, it occurred to me to stroll along and ...
( Category: Biographical March 26,2014 )
epub |eng | 2011-01-10 | Author:W. Somerset Maugham [Maugham, W. Somerset (William Somerset)]

[There is a distant sound in the street of Chinese instruments being played. George. Hulloa, there's the procession coming along. Knox. What procession? George. It's a Manchu wedding. The amah ...
( Category: British & Irish March 26,2014 )
epub, mobi |eng | 2004-03-31 | Author:Samuel Richardson [Richardson, Samuel]

J. BELFORD. LETTER XXXII MR. LOVELACE, TO JOHN BELFORD, ESQ. SATURDAY, JULY 22. What dost hate me for, Belford!--and why more and more! have I been guilty of any offence ...
( Category: British & Irish March 26,2014 )
epub |eng | | Author:Samuel Beckett

OPENER No resemblance. I answered, And that . . . MUSIC [brief] ................................................... [Silence.] OPENER . . . is that mine too? But I don’t answer any more. And they ...
( Category: British & Irish March 26,2014 )
epub, mobi |eng | 2004-11-30 | Author:Fanny Burney [Burney, Fanny]

CHAPTER vii. A CALM. Cecilia took leave over night of the family, as she would not stay their rising in the morning: Mr Monckton, though certain not to sleep when ...
( Category: British & Irish March 26,2014 )
epub, mobi |eng | 2004-11-30 | Author:Fanny Burney [Burney, Fanny]

CHAPTER vi. A MYSTERY. For two days, in consequence of violent colds caught during the storm, Lady Honoria Pemberton and Cecilia were confined to their rooms. Cecilia, glad by solitude ...
( Category: British & Irish March 26,2014 )