Throw Away Child Finding Home by Jacque Paul

Throw Away Child Finding Home by Jacque Paul

Author:Jacque Paul
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 978-1-0980-9507-9
Publisher: Christian Faith Publishing, Inc
Published: 2021-09-09T17:37:52+00:00

10 Weeks after Vail or 12 Weeks

May 22

Kate Can’t Play Today

The following Monday afternoon, Kate sat in Washington Park next to the statue of Wynken, Blynken, and Nod. Although it was a warm sunny day, she shivered in the breeze. Any thoughts of being unemployed were overshadowed by the memory of Sam’s reaction to their daughter. Children were playing nearby, but she felt no joy when she heard them laugh. Sam’s Grandma Tucker used to say laughter was a special song that was sung to God. It had been a long time since she’d laughed, and there was no song in her heart.

“I miss the music.”

In her heaviness, she wondered if she’d missed God.

The children were kicking a soccer ball as they ran down the path. Adults along the way would join them for a moment. Everyone seemed to play. Everyone seemed to laugh. Closer and closer, the players came. What if they kicked the ball in her direction? The thought that she would be included in the children’s lives, even for a few seconds, was overwhelming her.

They were coming, and she stood up to make her escape.

Kate had been so preoccupied that she hadn’t noticed a woman on the other side of the statue. She was a small, delicately framed lady who looked to be about seventy. Silver streaks glistened in her hair, and her brown eyes were framed by glasses that seemed huge on her narrow face. Kate thought they made her look a little like a turtle. The woman sat in a wheelchair and offered handmade velvet roses to all who walked by. Some were pink and some were burgundy. The sign said they were $1.50 each.

The woman had a pleasant smile, and when their eyes met, she asked, “What’s the matter, dearie?”

Caught in the woman’s gaze, Kate felt exposed. “I have a lot on my mind.”

A few steps later, she turned and bought a burgundy rose. The lady smiled and asked why.

“We each must do what we can. You can make a flower. I can buy it.”

Nodding, the woman smiled again. Kate tried, but it was difficult. As she turned away, the woman’s voice followed. “God won’t let you down, dearie. Don’t give up on Him.”


Back at her apartment, there were four messages on the answering machine. The first was from the Paris Office. They wanted to reevaluate her performance as well as Lyle’s. They said they’d get back to her. At the moment, she didn’t care if they ever called.

The second message was from Gil. The hotel they owned in Morocco had sold to an investment group from Belgium, and a meeting was taking place in Agadir on June 19. Did she want to go? Did she want to give him a power of attorney? He wanted an answer by Wednesday.

Kate whined. “Why can’t the papers be signed in Belgium? Why does anyone have to go to Morocco?”

She owned 49 percent of a hotel she never wanted. Still, it was nice of him to let her choose.


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