The Big Book of Submission by Rachel Kramer Bussel

The Big Book of Submission by Rachel Kramer Bussel

Author:Rachel Kramer Bussel [Bussel, Rachel Kramer]
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9781627780544
Publisher: Cleis Press Start


Kitten Boheme

Claire stared at her laptop, fingers drumming on the keyboard. As usual, she was the last patron left. The shop was closing soon and she was still no further in her writing than she’d been when she’d sat down.

“I need an idea,” she sighed, beating her forehead against the keyboard. She suffered a chronic case of writer’s block. “Any idea…” Her computer typed gibberish each time she smashed her head into the keys. It wasn’t productive, but it was more writing than she had done all day.

“How’s it going?”

Claire whimpered.

“That good, huh?”

She looked up. It was Alex, the barista. She smiled sheepishly, always startled by how attractive he was.

“Anything I can help with?” Alex asked.

“Are you a creative genius who only moonlights as a barista?”


“Then just more coffee,” Claire sighed, holding out her empty mug.

“You need a distraction,” Alex suggested, returning with a full mug. “When you stub your toe you forget all about the pain in your hand.”

She looked at him quizzically, not really sure that stubbing her toe could help.

“Watch.” He took Claire’s hand, laying it palm down on the table and holding the cup above it. Intrigued, Claire gasped as it poured over the back of her hand. She couldn’t move from the table, instead riveted as she watched coffee pool around her fingertips. It wasn’t hot enough to burn, only warm enough to make her skin blush. She was surprised at how much she enjoyed the momentary pain.

“You’ve forgotten your writer’s block, haven’t you?”

“I suppose.” She looked at her hand. “More?” Claire surprised herself with her eagerness.

“I’m closing up shop. Stay as long as you want, so long as you listen and do what I say. If you don’t want this say, ‘Starbucks is better,’ and walk out the door.” Alex grabbed her by the face, his thumb and forefinger straddling her chin, pulling her gaze up to his. “Understand?”

Claire nervously agreed.

Alex released her. “Good girl.” He slid a hand up the nape of her neck, grabbing a fistful of long hair as he pulled her out of her chair and up on her feet. “Let’s go lock the door.”

Claire didn’t move, unsure what he wanted from her.

“I don’t repeat myself,” Alex growled. Taking his free hand and running it down her thigh, he delivered a sharp slap to the back of her knee. She lurched forward, her skin tingling, her knees weak. She walked, almost automatically.

“I’ll show you how the door works.” Alex locked the door, giving it a push; it opened a crack. “It’s locked from the outside. No one gets in, but you are free to go.”

Smiling, Claire flipped the sign on the door to CLOSED. The shop may have been closed, but she was open for something new.

“Good.” His breath was hot against her goose-pimpled flesh.

“Follow,” Alex ordered. She followed, surrendering to him. When they reached her table, she sat. “No!” Pulling her up by her hair, he swept the chair away deftly with his foot. “Bend over, and put these on the table,” he said, slapping her forearms.


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