That One Summer by Maddie James

That One Summer by Maddie James

Author:Maddie James
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9781622375127
Publisher: Sand Dune Books

About an hour later, Lia pulled up to the beach house and glanced to the sign above the porch. Tequila Sunrise was the name of the rental, which was apropos, since they usually started cocktails not long after sunrise, especially in their younger years. Today wasn’t much different—not that they drank as much as they used to but having a nice warm buzz throughout the day was enough to lull them into much needed Zen state of mind. They talked about drinking a lot more than they seriously imbibed these days.

Relaxation was the prime goal for Lia. The past weeks had not been easy. Her boss at the non-profit gallery she worked for in Chicago had resigned under duress—and the board was pushing her into his position. One she didn’t want. Her only child had just left home for college, and there was the dilemma with Ron, her significant other of too many years.

All stressors. All cause for a pause. All reasons that warranted sunrise drinking.

Yet, her tequila was still untouched on the bar.

With a sigh, she got out of her rental and grimaced as she studied the flight of steps leading up to the wrap-around porch. The house was on stilts; most of them were on the coast. Not that she minded the steps so much, just not when she was lugging the biggest damn cooler in the world up them—along with three giant bags of ice. At the time of her purchases, she hadn’t thought about how she would get the monstrosity into the house.

One step at a time, Lia. “Might as well get to it.”

She flipped up the hatch on the rented SUV and popped open the cooler lid. One bag up, then two, and finally the third—she sat them each at the top of the stairs. She paused at the last one, realizing she was not as young as she used to be, then headed back down for the monster cooler. The thing was too wide for her to carry by both handles, so she dragged it to the steps and backed herself up the stairs, one bumpety step at a time.

Almost. To. The. Top.

“Let me help with that.”

Focused on her task, Lia startled at the male voice coming from behind. Stumbling, she let go of the handles, falling gracelessly on her ass. She watched the cooler—which she had paid too much money for—tumble end-over-end down the steps. “Shit.”

“You okay?” the male voice asked. Before she could respond, he added, “I’ll get that.”

The man skipped down the steps, picked up the cooler, then turned and looked up, catching her eye.

Lia caught his, too. She sucked in a breath. “Oh!” The single word burst from her mouth.

The guy stood immobile for a moment, then took a hesitant step forward. “Lia?”

“Zach.” His name whooshed from her mouth on a breath she’d held for way too many years. “Zach?”

“Yes.” He nodded. “It’s me. Goodness. How long has it been?”

“Too long.” Shit. Where did that come from? “Twenty years, I guess.


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