Roscoe by A.G. Kirkham

Roscoe by A.G. Kirkham

Author:A.G. Kirkham [Kirkham, A.G.]
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9781990746031
Published: 2022-06-13T18:30:00+00:00


The Brotherhood Grows


Waiting patiently to be filled in on what comes next is not my forte. No matter how hilarious Vi is, I keep looking to the doors leading to the basement. Every darn time the door swings open, I hold my breath, expecting to see Roscoe.

Ava, Vi, and Izzy are with me. While Ava goes over the newest line of jewelry Vi designed, Izzy sidles closer to me.

“Are you doing okay?” she murmurs.

“Confused. Freaked that someone’s out to get me. Other than that, life’s peachy.” I force a smile.

“Saint was pretty upset last night. I’m sure Roscoe was too.”

“He was. And still is. He explained it all to me this morning. I wish I knew before we decided to go out for a jaunt and steal back my car,” I joke.

Izzy jostles her body into mine as we both chuckle. “I’m glad we didn’t get that far. Could you image how pissed off our men would have been?”

“It’s their own fault. They should have told us what was really going on. The whole situation could have been avoided.”

Vi says, “On the other hand, if they weren’t out looking for you, the garage would have gone up in flames. In a sense, you two saved the shop.” That’s the beauty of Vi. She always sees the silver lining in any dark cloud.

“I would rather have the garage burn to the ground than risk Willow’s life at the hands of a demented gang banger.” Roscoe struts in, looking incredibly serious and immensely hot. His eyes lock with mine as he says, “We need to talk, sparkle. I said I would tell you as soon as we had something. We have something.” He extends a hand, and I quickly take it, curiosity gnawing at me.

As we walk away, Ava comes after us. “This affects all of us.”

Roscoe opens his mouth to answer, but Orion enters the room. “Not to worry, Guard’s coming. The rest of the women will need to know as well. Heads up, these guys are going to go down hard, and we’ll need you all at the compound on lockdown.”

As Roscoe leads me away, I hear a refrain of “What?” and “Why?” We move up a set of stairs and through a corridor. Roscoe opens a door that leads to a bedroom.

“Who sleeps here?” I ask, looking around the quiet space. The place is spotless. The bed is neatly made; the room is organized, with nothing out of place, and only the bare essentials are in plain sight. Roscoe’s bedroom in the apartment was a lot like this one until I came along.

It’s now adorned with deep blue and silver throw pillows to match the new comforter that Camille and I found online one day when she, Steady, and the new baby came to visit. I hummed and hawed, hesitating on hitting the “complete purchase” button, but Roscoe took one look at the screen and said, “That’s cool. You like it?” He waited for a nod, then pressed the button himself.


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