Rapid Viz: A New Method for the Rapid Visualization of Ideas by Kurt Hanks & Larry Belliston
Author:Kurt Hanks & Larry Belliston [Hanks, Kurt & Belliston, Larry]
Language: eng
Format: mobi, epub, pdf
Tags: Technology & Engineering, Art, Drafting & Mechanical Drawing, Drafting, Design, Architecture, Drawing & Presentation, Drawing, Techniques, Design; Drafting; Drawing & Presentation
ISBN: 9781598632682
Google: gc2oNAAACAAJ
Amazon: 159863268X
Publisher: Cengage Learning PTR
Published: 2006-03-02T00:00:00+00:00
Chapter 3 ■ The Visualization Process
will look fresher as you learn to drawn need to learn when you have passed
Don’t draw what you want to see.
them more rapidly.
the point of efficiency—the point of
Draw what your audience wants to
diminishing returns. Stop when you
see. If you don’t consider your audi-
In the cold hard world of business,
are spending too much time for the
ence, your visual presentation won’t
time is money. If you are an architect, good derived.
engineer, designer, or whatever, the
firm you work for will not keep you if One way to guard against inefficient
For example, the following series of
you can’t produce a good product
use of time is to determine in the
drawings depicts a man putting rocks
beginning what is needed for your
into a mining cart. This visual was
drawing. If you can accomplish your
used in Africa. It didn’t work. The
The following graph shows a time
goal by drawing quickly on a scrap of
visual was supposed to tell workers in efficiency curve. The message con-paper, why do more? If detail is
a mine that they were to pick up
veyed by the curve is that you get to a important to convey the idea, use
debris on the track and put it in a cart point in your drawings where it takes
detail. If detail is not necessary, then to haul it away. However, the African
considerable time to gain any
don’t go to the bother of including
mineworkers were used to reading
improvement. When you first start a
unnecessary detail. You can become
things in the opposite direction (from drawing every bit of time makes a
more efficient by deciding what is
right to left) as was their native cus-great deal of improvement in the
needed, drawing to that point, and
tom. The result was that the tracks
drawing, but as the drawing progress-
not doing more.
became cluttered with debris because
es to a more finished stage, it takes
the workers thought that what was
more and more time to make any vis-
meant by the visual was to gather up
ible improvement in the drawing. You
Know Your Audience
the rocks, take the rocks to the track, When creating visuals for communi-put the rocks on the track, and leave
cating or presenting an idea, consider them there. The miscommunication
your audience carefully. Who is the
was caused because the visuals were
audience? Why are they there? What
drawn from the communicator’s
do you want them to know? What do
point of view, not from the audience’s they need to know? How are you
point of view or reference.
going to tell them? Why should they
know it?
Rapid Viz: A New Method for the Rapid Visualization of Ideas by Kurt Hanks & Larry Belliston.epub
Rapid Viz: A New Method for the Rapid Visualization of Ideas by Kurt Hanks & Larry Belliston.pdf
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