Monster Girl X by Julie Law

Monster Girl X by Julie Law

Author:Julie Law [Law, Julie]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: UNKNOWN
Published: 2023-10-13T16:00:00+00:00

Chapter 8

I had always been aware of how quickly Mara could fly, but that didn’t mean I didn’t marvel at it every time I found myself riding on dragonback. And this time, she seemed to be moving faster than ever.

I could feel her focusing her mana to smooth the wind currents around us, helping propel her along. I didn’t know if it was a good idea for her to tire herself before a big fight, but Mara certainly knew better than me. And for all I knew, once we started getting closer to Arachne, she would just stop using her mana and regenerate whatever she spent getting us closer before reaching the other female. For someone who had as much mana as Mara did, the amount she was burning might not mean much at all, and she could recover from that effort in minutes.

“Do you know where you’re going?” I found myself asking the dragon about an hour after we started flying. Melusine was the one who answered me.

“I can feel Arachne,” The white-haired woman said, making me glance back at her. “I have no doubt Amaranth is feeling her as well.”

That was good. It might also be dangerous if Arachne was feeling them back, but that was probably a risk we had to take.

We kept going like that for another hour before something changed. Suddenly, Amaranth slowed down, stopping eventually, letting her wings beat, and allowing us to hover in place. I blinked at it, exchanging a few glances with the other group members, but the only one who seemed to have an inkling of what was going on was Melusine, whose golden eyes were wide as they looked towards the distance.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

A scalding voice penetrated my mind then, red and hot and familiar. My wife spoke directly into our minds, and the sensation of it was intimidating. Arachne is fighting something.

I swallowed. “Any idea what she’s fighting against?” I asked, unsure I wanted an answer to that question, fearing we needed it nonetheless.

“No,” Melusine answered me, shaking her head. “But whatever it is, Arachne is being forced to spend great amounts of power facing it. I can feel the energy of their clash. And I don’t think Arachne is winning.”

I swallowed again. “Oh, goodie.”

Mara shook her head and moved forward again, forcing herself to move as quickly as before. I couldn’t help but feel some nervousness, especially as Melusine kept talking about the fight Arachne seemed to be in. It went on for about half an hour while we considerably closed the distance towards the Spider Queen before it seemed to end.

Arachne seemed to have won, or at least managed to get away, and the one opposing her remained behind, even if, from what Mara and Melusine told her, whatever it was didn’t seem to have been destroyed.

When we reached the area where the battle occurred an hour later, I could only gape at the breadth of destruction we found. It seemed there had been


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