Loving Monsters: A Beauty and the Beast Retelling : (Beauty and Her Monsters) by Violet Fox

Loving Monsters: A Beauty and the Beast Retelling : (Beauty and Her Monsters) by Violet Fox

Author:Violet Fox [Fox, Violet]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: anonymous
Published: 2022-04-22T16:00:00+00:00

Chapter fourteen


Our uncle didn’t look the least bit excited when our mate returned to his court, her hands on her sexy round hips. I think he genuinely thought she would cave to all the fruit, but it looks as if he underestimated her in the end.

It takes a strong person to resist all that temptation, after all, but an even stronger person to realize that it’s all just bullshit. Many humans have lost their souls to that forest, being sucked into a mini-universe where there is no escape. You want happiness? Sure. But at a cost.

You have to bleed for that smile, but deep down, you’re depressed. Money sounds nice too, right? Being able to buy anything you want. Sure, you may never know a moment of financial misery again. Your kids can eat, your dog can eat, but the cost? That’s right. You’re effing miserable. All your old friends hate you now because you’re rich and you can’t make new ones because they only like you for your money. You are lonely.

Swim like Scrooge McDuck all you want in your big money vault, just be aware that you will be swimming alone in that ocean of money.

Then there’s love. Sweet, sweet love. I know it can be hard to find a fault in that kind of temptation, but everything comes with a price. Also, there’s a good chance that all that sweetness will give you a tooth cavity in the end, and no one likes tooth decay.

Luxury? Well, you drown in all that plush, rich velvet, forgetting your responsibilities. And then there’s freedom. We all remember what happened to Icarus when he flew too close to the sun. His wings melted and then he fell into the sea.

Last but not least is sex, and you guessed it: genital herpes.

Bottom line. Don’t give in to temptation because nothing is ever what it seems.

And I’ve never been prouder for my Belle for resisting all that fruit. She can still have those things but in time. Maybe not all of the time, but I swear that my brothers and I will ensure she lives a comfortable and happy life.

The king confers with his councilmen. Monsters who used to work for us, but now they serve our good-for-nothing uncle. I step toward Belle, ruffling her head. I mess up her brown hair.

“Knew you could pass the first test, sunshine. Proud of you.”

She grins up at me, fixing her eyes on Alice. Meanwhile, Madoc hisses at me for ruining Belle’s mane, and what is he, twelve? He can be so petty and jealous.

Belle wanders over to Alice. The young girl hides beneath Enzo’s shadow, and I’ve never seen a more frightened creature. If only I could fly her away and send her back to the human world, but she’s trapped. She’s lucky to have survived this long in the Abyss. Many humans don’t even make it past the wraith forest; it’s a miracle that any humans make it to the Forest of Forbidden Fruit at all.


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