Homecoming by Alex Collins

Homecoming by Alex Collins

Author:Alex Collins
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: T L Haddix
Published: 2022-11-05T17:17:00+00:00

Chapter 20

When the phone rang at four thirty, Lauren came awake with a pounding heart. “Ava…” She fumbled for the phone, her fear fading a bit when she saw that the call was from Janet. “Hello?”

A shaky inhalation sounded, then Janet spoke, her voice distressed. “You need to come downtown. The shop’s been broken into, and it’s a mess.”

“What? Oh, no. Are you and Helga okay? Have you called the police?”

“We’re fine, honey. Gary Collins is here, and someone’s on the way from the sheriff’s department.”

Lauren was already grabbing her clothes. “I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

“Don’t rush and put yourself at risk. It’s super foggy this morning. We aren’t going anywhere and what’s done is done.”

Five minutes later, she was out the door. The heavy fog that was so common along the river forced her to go slow.

“Why didn’t the security company call me?” she asked herself as she drove. She knew the alarm had been set, as she was the last one out yesterday afternoon.

By the time she parked behind an unmarked cruiser on the street in front of The Brown Bag ten minutes later, dozens of worst-case scenarios had run through her mind, each more horrible than the last. Janet and Helga were seated on the bench between the shop and Sew On and So Forth next door. Ethan Moore and Jason Hudson were standing beside them.

“Is everyone okay?” Lauren asked as she got out of the car.

“We’re fine, but oh, Lauren, it’s bad.” Janet sniffed and wiped her eyes.

Given that her manager had what Lauren had teasingly referred to as nerves of steel, she knew they were in trouble. The town square was eerily quiet this time of morning, and a shiver of apprehension crept up her spine. It was so similar to what she had felt that day in the library, she stopped and turned around, peering into the fog.

“What is it?” Ethan asked.

“I don’t know. I feel like someone is watching.”

The detective exchanged a look with Jason, who nodded. “I’m on it.”

Jason disappeared into the fog around the corner of the building. A moment later, his cruiser went down the street in front of the courthouse, moving slowly.

The shop itself was dark, and the windows looked odd, almost as though someone had hung black out curtains.

“What happened? Was the alarm triggered? Is the power off?” Lauren asked.

“I was just about to ask if you remembered setting the alarm,” Ethan remarked. “Janet told me you were the one who closed up last night.”

“Yesterday afternoon actually, around fifteen till four. And yes, I distinctly remember setting it.”

“It was off when we got here,” Janet said.

Lauren shook her head, crossing her arms against a chill. “That isn’t right. I know I set it. Can I go inside?”

Ethan’s mouth tightened. “You can, but be careful where you walk and don’t touch anything. I’ll escort you.”

His face was positively grim, a good match for Janet’s and Helga’s. When Lauren nodded, he stepped over to the door and opened it, holding it for her.


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