Fighting History (Fighting For Love Book 4) by James Marysol

Fighting History (Fighting For Love Book 4) by James Marysol

Author:James, Marysol [James, Marysol]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: romance, sex, Contemporary, Fiction
Published: 2014-12-12T08:00:00+00:00

Ten minutes later, Maggie was relaxing with a glass of white wine and watching Joe stir something that smelled delicious. He’d brought her some vegetable wraps from the fridge and she was inhaling them at roughly the speed of light as she sat and waited.

Joe joined her at the table now. “OK, so. That’ll be another ten minutes, then I’ll stick it in the oven for twenty minutes. Can you hang on that long?”


“Good.” He sat and took a sip of his own wine. “So how are you doing now?”

She stiffened. “Fine.”

“OK.” He studied her. “You going to want dessert, too?”

“You got some?”

“Yeah. I was just fooling around with some ideas for the menu today, and I made a few things. I was planning to take them to a soup kitchen near my place, but we can sample them, I guess. You interested?”

“Sure.” Despite herself, Maggie smiled at him. “I love sweet stuff.”

“Yeah, I remember.”

She looked away and he fell silent again.


She glanced back at him.

“Is your Mom OK?”

“I told you I wasn’t going to talk about it.” Her voice was cold but he saw her lips tremble.

“I know. I know you did. But…” He hesitated. “I always liked your Mom, you know, and I remember that she was sick when we were together. Is it – is it her kidney?”

Maggie looked down, and was suddenly overwhelmed by the urge to talk to Joe about it. He had adored her mother, she knew, and Rita had loved him right back. When she and Joe had broken up, Rita had been upset too. And even though she absolutely thought that Maggie had done the right thing, she’d always held out hope that he’d come to his senses and come back to her daughter. She’d always said that Joe was a good man, even if he had no idea of it yet.


She closed her eyes. God, that voice… Joe’s voice was deep, tough, husky. But when he said her name like that – so soft and gentle – it just about undid her every single time. It always had.

“What?” she said.

“Is Rita really sick now?”

She opened her eyes. “Yes.”

He exhaled, hard. “You want to tell me?”

“I – I don’t know.”

He waited a few seconds, then he asked, “Is it her kidney?”

“Yeah.” She bit her lip. “The dialysis was failing, and she needed a transplant. She got it about six weeks ago, and everything was OK for a while. But now – now she’s septic.”

“What does that mean?”

Maggie ran her fingers along the table cloth. “It means that all the drugs she was taking to prevent her body from rejecting the kidney actually made her way more vulnerable to infection. Her stomach and lungs got infected, and the infection is strong and her body is weak. And even though she’s putting up one hell of a fight, now her entire body in inflamed with sepsis.”


“Hot. Swollen. Red. The infection is running rampant in her body, and they’ve been trying for a month to control it with more drugs… but it’s tough.


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